My first time on steemit

My first time to use steemit has taken alot of courage to adjust to this new site. I dont have anybody by my side and the need to become more independent when writing articles by myself has grown stronger.
Joining steemit was a major challenge because i literally have no followers and neither do i follow anybody, this alone has made me develope butterflies. However i have gained a new confidence and realised it doesnt realy hurt opening up to a new challenge of writing and posting articles on steemit.
Adjusting to steemit is a challenge in itself not meant for those afraid of exploring. I thought of quitting but i have realised there actually is alot of fun being a member here. I never ever thought of steemit as a hard platform to use, i always thought it would be a walk in the park, but HELL NO, it is a task in itself. Am pretty sure this steem experience will change me for the better.

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