Presently we should take steemit in comparsion

When I go to steemit - I'm not so much beyond any doubt what I get. 

It is anything but difficult to discover through google and now and again has excellent substance like medium. It is utilized to express individual points of view and to share content like reddit and Facebook. 

In any case, it is additionally - and this is one thing which makes steemit as I would like to think not exceptionally solid as a wellspring of good data - utilized as an apparatus to create low quality, spam content which just aim is to produce some income. 

Furthermore, this outcomes in individuals having the requirement for upvotebots in light of the fact that without them they would simply go under through the unadulterated measure of posts. 

It really requires a considerable measure of investment to discover awesome substance. The present web composition doesn't make it less demanding. While I can see around 10 Posts on reddit at once - on steem the most extreme sum is 5. 

Also I utilize a chrome addon for reddit called "upgrade suit" which we should be extend presents without having on tap on it. Something like this actualized with more presents in plain view would make steemit def. more easy to use. 

I feel as though steemit tries to be incredible and usable for everybody, except through this additionally draws in many people who are just in it for the cash. 

I comprehend that cash is a decent approach to grant individuals for putting their opportunity into something which offers some benefit - however then it really needs to offer some benefit. 

There are as of now a considerable measure of posts made (for instance under the labels day by day, week after week, challenges and so on.) that give about no genuine esteem yet at the same time restore a good measure of $ payout. This depletes the reward pool and makes it more troublesome for new and excellent substance makers to get some nice return. 

I will compose more about this in another post - yet for this post it ought to be sufficient.

The principle point I needed to bring crosswise over is: What does steemit really stand and is utilized for? 

I truly cherish the possibility of steem and feel that it could have a splendid future ahead, however just on the off chance that we as shoppers and substance makers put the quality first and not the cash. 

What is your supposition about this?

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