Blast from the past; PM's between me and another tsuvian, concerning things that sound eerily familiar here in Steemit.

Open letter (From 2015) to Sebastian and other “Original Users”, support people in tsu, consisting of excerpts from some direct messages between me and one of my friends.
@Sebastian @Tignor @Kevinhinkle #FIXTSU
KV (4 yrs +5 days ago)
Just wanted you to know I'll be taking a break from tsu.
I see a lot of people posting regurgitated stuff, and I do not want to look at another flower or cloud. I really thought this was going to be a site for original content and conversations and I know of 3 people that have truly stuck to that idea.
It seems the people that post as they did on facebook, have come to tsu and are getting hundreds if not thousands of “likes”. No real conversation just a lame post and a like.
Jerry, you are one of the ones that have truly shared real posts.
Tsu had a vision, and it may have been that way in the beginning, but now it has bowed to the masses that churn the money, and it's not living up to its promise of a original content site. I've decided to go back to more reading of books.
Don't know for how long I'll be gone, but I post in a group where lame is getting numerous likes and real posts are getting 1 to 5 likes, and little if any conversation. I don't want to be a person that hits "like" and writes "nice" for hours on end.
It was nice meeting you Jerry.
KV (4 yrs + about an hour ago)
take a pic of your butt and you'll get a 1,000 likes. no joke. I see pics of T&A everyday and they get hundreds if not close to a 1,000 likes every day. No words just skin!
ME (4 yrs + about an hour ago)
I have just now seen this and the previous message. I do SO hate that tsu doesn't have a better way of notifying you that you have a message.
I know what you mean, share share share. Although, I have no intention of taking a pic of my butt ha ha...
Have you sent feedback to tsu support about your concerns? I hate that this is almost the same as FB, but in truth, I don't go to other peoples profiles, looking for original content. I just do my thing and hope to make a little money.
Thank you for your time and attention, I will miss you if you go. ♥
KV (4 yrs + about an hour ago)
I just look at my feed and see the nonsense. Or I'll get friend requests and it's nothing but almost naked female pics on their posts.
ME (4 yrs + 32 minutes ago)
Here is a perfect example; I did NOT get any notification at all, that you had replied, or sent me a Direct message.
I almost never go to my 'feed' because of just what you are talking about. In the past, when I saw photos of 'big butt' girls, scantily clad, most almost pornographic, I would comment, something like:
"Really? Is this what you come to SOCIAL MEDIA for? You know, there are WHOLE WEBSITES devoted to photos and videos you can whack your willy to,"
Then I would report the post.
I got tired of doing that, so now, I hardly ever go to my feed.

Now, I post ARTICLES with INFORMATION that I think people either:
A. Should know
B. Would find interesting

I SHARE posts from other people that I have NO WAY of knowing if they are the creators of that content (how would I know this?)
I also post funny photos, most that I do NOT create, but those are funny memes mostly freely available.

Here in Steemit, I don't share anything unless A. I know that

Person and they've been supportive of me, and B. the post or content is
WORTHY of being shared (resteemed).
My feed is boring for the most part, but I assume my posts are boring
And Repetitive to most of you, so there we are even I suppose.
What is the answer?

I surely don't know

"Blast from the past/Tsu"

Jerry E Smith

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

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