Does Steemit Do The Most to Support Gender Equality?

Steemit offers to help erase the boundaries between men and women by providing true equality in what can be shared by a man and a women combined with a transparent system for earning income. Today making money and treatment of bodies are two of the biggest inequalities faced by men and women. The great news is that advancements for either sex can help all of us. Here are the key points summarized and explained in more detail below!

  • The most popular websites in the world such as Facebook and YouTube do not allow women to fairly share their bodies the same as men. On Facebook or YouTube, an women could be banned for posting a picture with no shirt on while a man does not have this limitation. While at first this might look like a harmless detail or discrimination against women, ask "What would we need to secretly believe to allow this?" and a more grim picture emerges. To believe it is necessary to hide the nipples of a woman, we would need to believe that men are such animals that seeing the nipple of a woman might cause them to rape because this fear makes the unfair treatment seem reasonable. Freedom from this is good for all of us because we each get to step out of our gender prisons and into a real life. While Twitter has already taken the same step as Steemit to allow women to share equally with men, Twitter lacks income as explained next!
  • Earning income tends to be much easier for men even when doing the same work because our gender prisons dictate the primary value for a man is in what he earns from work while for a woman's primary value comes from what her body can do and her role in the family. Steemit finally truly makes it just as easy for women to earn income as men because no outside systems are necessary to receive rewards from a post. By comparison, building a following on Facebook requires converting that following to income outside of Facebook usually which tends to be easier generally for men because of our existing social structure. As long as it is easier for men to earn income, not only are women more limited in their options but so are men.

  • Would you watch more in the original video or continue reading the post below because I will continue focusing on the amazing opportunities Steemit offers for women especially while understanding that the better women have it, the better men do as well even if the effects are only indirect?

    Most Empowering Social Media for Women? Steemit!

    On, women truly have equal rights to share.

    On other social media networks, as a man, I can post a picture of myself with no shirt on and I'm not looking at any consequences, if a woman posts a picture without any shirt on, she is looking at getting banned from the website.

    On the most fundamental level that is a very simple way that current social media networks do not give equal rights to women. I'm grateful that Steemit does, because equal rights for women is good for me. also is offering a lot more freedom for women especially, to share the truth. On social media, often, it's very challenging to share some of the most personal, shameful things and Steemit is providing an outstanding platform to do that.

    Women on social media also tend to be way undervalued because they contribute a great deal of engagement in sharing, and on Facebook getting a hundred likes doesn't give you anything. On Steemit, upvotes equal earnings, this gives the ability for anyone to post and earn money.

    Perfect for singles and moms

    This is really good for women because of a lot of the biases in our existing system, and it is perfect for single women and for moms, especially.

    Single women often put a lot of effort into social media trying to share photos of themselves, attract a man and doing that on Steemit actually puts you in a really good position to earn money for doing it. Whereas just posting photos on Facebook in your bathing suit or what you're doing every day doesn't earn any money, it just gets likes, and maybe will help attract a man or a woman, but more than often, it's just a lot of time and energy for no return.

    That same time and energy on Steemit can be worth a lot of money. For moms like my wife who is freelancing online, this gives an easy place to start and allows for just honestly sharing the journey of being a mom and makes it easy to actually earn some income. Right now it's really hard to just go start a mom blog and to talk about your life, and it makes it a lot easier on Steemit.

    Perfect for photos travel

    I'm really excited about this, because it's also perfect for sharing photos and for traveling.

    If you want to make a travel blog, Steemit is an outstanding place for it. I'll show you an example of a girl who’s made an amazing travel blog on Steemit, who started with no following outside of Steemit.

    If you just want to share photos of your life, of the food you're eating, the recipes you're cooking or of the bikes you're riding, the sports you're playing, whatever it is, Steemit provides a place to earn some money for doing that. A place where you're not just wasting your time essentially posting photos to your friends, taking time you could be earning money with, instead, it puts hobbies together really well.

    Perfect for hobbies blogs

    It allows you to take your hobbies and monetize them, which with how men derive our egos so much from work, leaves women in a position that doing hobbies ends up becoming a choice between, do I want to do a hobby or do I want to have some time to work and make money?

    Whereas, for men, we usually have time to work and do hobbies, and this gives women a chance to stop having to choose between doing work and getting to have some hobbies.

    Hobbies like cooking or whatever your hobbies are, there are lots of cooking blogs that I'm about to show you on Steemit. The hobbies you normally do and are excited about can actually easily be monetized on Steemit. If you want to do a blog, there are huge opportunities, especially for women, to do a great blog on Steemit. Whereas, doing it outside of Steemit tends to be very difficult to make any money. Steemit's a great place for tutorials and tip videos.

    I see a lot of women doing a great job with tutorial and tip videos. They are the main things I do and the nice thing is that Steemit provides a good way to monetize that. I've read tons of blogs, especially written by women of tips and tutorial videos, and it's really hard to make money off those. Steemit makes it a lot easier for me and everyone else.

    Perfect for teachers and students

    It is perfect for teachers and students if you're in school because it's really hard to earn money especially if you are feeling the pressure to participate in all these other parts of life like family or just to get good grades and to advance.

    As a teacher or student, Steemit's a really good opportunity to just share some of what you're doing in life. There’s not a lot of students and teachers I've seen on Steemit yet, but the more that we keep growing Steemit the better is the opportunity right now for students and teachers to start sharing their journeys on Steemit.

    I guess I'm kind of a teacher. 😁

    Thank you for reading with me!

    If you enjoyed reading this post, would you please upvote it and read the next one because if you are like me every upvote feels good and I will be sharing the list of my favorite women on Steemit next?


    Jerry Banfield

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