3 Alternatives to Browse Steem When Steemit.com is Offline! ChainBB, Busy.org, and eSteem

While steemit.com appears to be under a DDOS attack today preventing most of us from browsing or using it, fortunately the Steem blockchain as a whole is decentralized and is functioning well! Once we are aware of alternatives to using steemit.com to interact with the Steem blockchain, we can easily switch when steemit.com is having problems or if we prefer the interface on any of the three below!

  1. ChainBB at https://beta.chainbb.com/ by @jesta gives us an interface that is more like the forums we are used to where the posts with the newest comments rise up to the top. All posts from steemit.com automatically appear on ChainBB in forums matching the tags used. To fund development, ChainBB takes 15% of author rewards on post. For example, earning about $100 on a post would lead to curators earning about $25 from upvotes before the author reward. Next, ChainBB would take about $10 of the remaining $75 with the author receiving about $65. No fee is taken on comments or upvotes.
  2. https://busy.org by @ekitcho, @fabien, @nil1511, @p0o, and @yamadapc is what I am using to write this post because the ChainBB interface requires me to put an image in whereas here on busy.org I can just drop it in. While busy.org does not charge a fee, the last post I submitted did not work correctly and I am giving it a second chance today on this post. Busy.org makes it easier to browse specific followers and has wallet functionality as well!
  3. https://eSteem.ws by @good-karma is available on iOS and Android making it the only mobile app I know of that currently interacts with the Steem blockchain. eSteem allows sign in with any key or password while providing the option to us Russian Steem clone https://golos.io/.

To see these in action, watch the new video I just made on YouTube!

Thank you for reading this post which I hope is helpful in showing alternatives to steemit.com when it is down!


Jerry Banfield

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