After two weeks on Steemit, here are my ways it can be improved

Have a read and let me know if you agree or disagree. What would you change about Steemit?

Category filters for users we follow
Currently most users blog about more than one topic and I think a category filter would be really helpful. Additionally, some users like myself, post in two separate languages and I’m sure my Spanish followers would prefer not to see all my English posts and vice versa. For example, I can select to follow a user and then select to view only posts tagged under travel, Spanish, etc. This hides all the content I’m not interested in and creates a more curated and engaging experience while still keeping with the following users instead of categories system of Steemit.

Save drafts of multiple stories and schedule posts
Since most posts actually take quite a while to make, it would be really beneficial to be able to save the drafts that we work on. I think this would allow users to post more content. Additionally I think it would be great to have the ability to schedule posts to be published at anytime we want which is how current Content Management Systems work. This means we are not bound to our devices to post and it will generate more content and potentially more engagement as I like to target my posts at specific high traffic times for different time zones.

Save Posts
Users should be able to save posts they liked or want to read later. This one is pretty self explanatory.

Save and autofill commonly used personal tags
I have consistently been using several of the same tags for many of my posts. While typing the tags in are easy, I would love if my most used tags could be saved and autofilled. Currently the most popular content tags will autofill but not ones that are not as trendy.

Change “Blog” button to “Profile”
When I first started using Steemit I was confused as to how to view my public account page. To my surprise it was labeled as “Blog”. This wording is unclear because our personal pages are much more like a “Profile” instead of a traditional blog especially considering how everyone can see each other’s Steemit activity of comments, replies, wallet, etc.

Enable “hover-zoom” for photos
This is a small thing but I can’t be the only person who uses a hover-zoom extension on here. It just makes it quicker to look at content and especially considering how the Photography category is so popular, having hover-zoom just makes sense. Hover-zoom makes engagement with the content easier and faster. (For those of you unfamiliar with hover-zoom, it’s a free extension you can download to your browser to view photos and gifs just by hovering your cursor over the content without having to click and open it.)

No more waiting 20 seconds to reply
20 seconds in theory doesn’t seem like a long time, but considering how many words a person can type per minute, it is really a pain to have to wait that long before replying to content. I find this particularly frustrating when I’m trying to quickly respond to users who have left nice comments under my posts. I assume this 20 second rule was established to prevent bots/spamming but maybe once a user has been verified in some way, they should be able to have the ability to communicate with other users in a faster way. Also this rule is really unnecessary for when we’re responding on our own content.

Show when posts are resteemed
Surely, this is an oversight since this is the beta mode but I think it’s worth mentioning. Since we can see other interactions users have with our own content, I think it should be a standard to see if they resteem our content. That way we can send back some love. I know this can be viewed at Steemd but it should be integrated into Steemit.

That’s all I can think of. Hopefully the Steemit team will see this and put these ideas into consideration. What do you think of my ideas?

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