My STEEMIT Stepping Stones...


I decided to do a little bit of a
Steemit Timeline exercise this evening,
and track back to ALL my posts
SPECIFICALLY related to steemit...


What an awesome little "mini trip" down memory lane it was!

It is a real EYE OPENER really,
to assess how far you have come in a specific space of time.

For those of you starting out on the platform,
I thought I would share these facets of my journey with you,
to assist you along your own path...

and for those of you that are well established here,
well good for a giggle at the very least I am sure :)

(PS - ALL these articles have LONG since passed their curation)
juuuuuust in case you thought I was trying to
get upvotes on them... NO,
I am offering all of these posts to share what I have
learnt and experienced...

So on that note.... here they are -



My Steemit Journey #1

7 Months Ago

First of all, let me say – that I know little to nothing about Steemit (not in the grand scheme of things anyway), I have absolutely nothing worth talking about in my wallet and I am definitely not a whale, in fact I don’t think I could even refer to myself as a dolphin… I am probably a little closer to plankton at this point… haha! But that is ok, because I am not writing this to boast about my wallet or to press my expertise on to anyone. I am starting this post thread because I would like to not only share my journey but I would also like to document it.....


What I (think) I have learnt about Steemit so far

6 Months Ago

Hey gorgeous peeps! - I joined Steemit about three weeks ago and it has been a very interesting and educational journey so far. I am by no stretch a “know it all”, but I would like to believe I have learnt at least a little bit since I have been around, so I thought I would share it with all of you – especially those that are even bigger noobs than I. haha!
I hope you find it useful....

Image is purchased Stock Photography


Keeping it REAL on STEEMIT!!!

5 Months Ago

One of the things I love most about Steemit is the community and the genuine support that you are offered from those around you, it truly is quite phenomenal - but on the flip side of that coin…
I am honestly just SO sick of “upvote” and “follow me” pests and bullies...


So, What does STEEMIT mean to YOU?

4 Months Ago

I cannot speak for anybody other than myself when it comes to the levels of seriousness shown with regards to becoming a valuable part of the Steemit community, but the way I see it – if that ISN’T your primary objective here, then you REALLY ARE wasting your time – and everybody else’s for that matter…



4 Months Ago

Everybody is entitled to their opinion and when it comes to social media and the “sharing of opinion and perspective” there are two sides to the coin. There is what you share to the community and then there is the response that the community gives you. When you share opinion or experience by way of your posts – you are reaching and engaging with a lot of people simultaneously. It is highly unlikely that everybody is going to agree with what you have said – including occasions when the information is actually factual...



4 Months Ago

Quite some time back, I created a Facebook group for bloggers to share their blog links - and the other day I decided to run a poll to find out how many of them were on Steemit, how many of them had no idea what it was and how many would like to know more. Plenty had never heard of it, many went off to explore it and some joined – but most simply begged the question “how much do they pay” and went silent after realising that they weren’t going to become overnight millionaires...


Dear TROLLS...

4 Months Ago

Yesterday I wrote about how Steemit is not a “get rich quick scheme” and how important content originality is, for your reputation and growth here on the platform. The reason I wrote what I did was because I think many people needed to hear it. People have various reasons for joining Steemit and the reality of the matter is that some people ARE here out of absolute necessity or even desperation. In those instances, building a good reputation within the community is even more important than in other instances where it is done purely for the fun of the engagement or the passion for blogging. So I think it is imperative that fundamental “do’s and don’ts are well covered. However, that reason aside, none of us want this space to become a dumping ground for rubbish either...



4 Months Ago

What is the definition of an addict? Well narcotics aside,
Google has this to say…

An enthusiastic devotee of a specified thing or activity.

Well, in that case, I have come to the conclusion that I am officially a Steemit addict. True story! I joined Steemit on the 16th of June 2017 and not a single day has passed since then, that I have not been active on this platform...

Image Credit



3 Months Ago

Four months and a few days have passed since I joined the Steemit community and man oh man what a journey it has been so far! When I stepped onto this platform for the first time, I really had no idea what I was doing – other than my general “social media knowledge” which turned out to be fairly useless as Steemit operates VERY differently to other social platforms.

As with any “life adventure” there are always positives and negatives… dos and don’ts…


My little STEEMIT Rant!

2 Months Ago

I can honestly say that when I joined this community, I would NEVER have guessed just how MUCH it would consume me. No, I was clueless for the most part… My eldest brother who is a big crypto fan, knows that I love to write and had spent almost a year trying to convince me to register here and that is the reason I am here! When I eventually did join, it was “all very exciting” as you can no doubt relate… Little did I know, that despite being a complete social media enthusiast on every other platform aside from Steemit, I was about to hit a whole new level of junkie...

Image Credit



1 Month Ago

There are a few words which come to mind when I think about Steemit. Specifically: Community, Support, Growth, Knowledge, Friendship, Positivity, Experience and most importantly – Passion!

When I initially stepped foot onto the Steemit platform, I really had no idea what I was walking into. For as far back as I can remember (well almost lol), I have been studying and observing other social media platforms (by myself, for myself). I engaged in ALL of them, ALL of the time - I was probably THE most annoying person to follow on Facebook or twitter, if I actually think about it lol, because not only did I post frequently for my personal pleasure, but I also made frequent use the platforms for business promotional purposes...

Image Credit



1 Month Ago

On the 16th December, I will have been a member of Steemit for exactly six months. Now this is a complete babe in the woods in the grand scheme of things and I do not by any stretch consider myself a know it all – but I most certainly have learnt a fair amount during this time and continue to learn more each and every day, so today – I wanted to share a little bit of what I have learnt specifically with my community of Steemit Bloggers on Discord, but also with everyone else reading this.

Well, that's a wrap peeps!

For those of you that actually took the time to read the links,
I sincerely hope that they offer you at least a LITTLE extra knowledge!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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