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“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”— Eric Thomas

People very often and flippantly refer to the above quote - and yet as glaringly accurate as it is - it still seems that so many people fail to accept that. In addition to the above quote, is another one which is commonly seen...

"The only time that success comes before work is in the dictionary" - Vince Lombardi

It is far too common an occurrence how everyone wants "instant this" and "immediate that" but nobody wants to put in the spade work required in order to achieve that. To me, this is becoming somewhat of an epidemic worldwide really... people are becoming lazier and lazier... You often see it here on steemit too.

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There are people who have been here for one month and are stomping their feet and throwing tantrums because they have not been INSTANTLY recognised and have not become instant millionaires. They want everyone else to do everything for them, refusing to stand on their own two feet and quite frankly, it is really SAD!

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! - No, really - WAKE UP!!

If you TRULY want to be successful at something - then you have to learn to master it... for yourself, BY yourself! You have to give it all you have and some more! You have to persist through ALL the challenges and you can simply NEVER give up! You need to put your FOCUS on where you want to be and then work your hiney off off to get there - irrespective of what it is that you are working at! You literally have to want it more than you would want a glass of water after two days in the desert!

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When you eventually start to treat your desires with DETERMINATION, PASSION and TIRELESS EFFORT.... then and ONLY then will you start to see the fruits beginning to form.

And just so there is no confusion... Giving something your best, once, twice, or even ten times - is seldom enough. You have to be willing to repeat it it as many times as it takes to get where you want to be! it really is as SIMPLE as that!

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People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily! – Zig Ziglar

I am a total sucker for anything motivational and/or inspirational, I often spend a good amount of time browsing quotes online to share with followers on various other platforms so I figured why not make it a daily habit here on Steemit too ;)

Despite the fact that I am a complete and utter tech junkie and I love so much about our modern world - (yes, there is a lot that I DON’T like as well… but keep up people… this is a happy hippy post), I have often considered the fact that I might have been born in the wrong era.

I have an insatiable love for anything 60’s!

So here I sit - in the 21st century, perhaps minus the bell bottoms but definitely not without the happy spirit, excessive array of colour (everywhere) and juuuuust a few gadgets to boot…he he!

Welcome to…


Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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