What Kind Of People Succeed On Steemit..??? And Who Give Up..

I was talking to a fellow Steemian a few days ago of why some new people don't take long on Steemit!

We had really a fascinating talk of which kind of people stick and probably taste some kind of success on Steemit.

It has come to my notice that most people don't spend long here on Steemit as they come with a quick money mindset.

I am not surprised though by these numbers of people giving up quickly on Steemit.It's a natural thing,nature taking its course!

The above statement might sound harsh but it's the truth.I say this as a Steemit promoter and mentor.

I have seen scenarios where people here make their first withdrawal and leave ie don't post again! Its depressing to see this happen.

I always thought that withdrawing money will motivate people to work harder! I was wrong,there are people money can't motivate.

I wrote a post sometime back of the 3 types of people in world which you can find here.

Let me summarise the article people by classifying the 3 types of people.

1. Those who make things Happen

This is the group that see an opportunity and seize it.They make things happen,these guys are the risk takers and are few....
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If you are reading this ....you might probably be among this group(because you seized the Steemit opportunity).

2.Those Who watch things Happen

These are as the title says it....watch things.
I have told Steemit to many folks and many are still just watching.

There is also a big number of people who heard about Bitcoin back then and sadly are still watching ...so bad for them.

3. Those who Wonder what Happened!

As the title says.....wonder what happened.
The biggest majority of people in the world call here.This group is even hard to explain how they are!

There are some people who are still wondering what Facebook is after all this years of Facebook!

Why Did I Tell You Of These 3 Types of People???

I am glad you asked me that question and am replying shortly.

I gave you this details so that you be aware as you promote Steemit! I used to feel bad when I tell people about Steemit and they don't join!! It's nolonger the case.....

So What Kind Of People Stick and Taste Success on Steemit??

It's great that we have finally reached to the main part of why I wrote this post! There is a different kind of people who succeed on Steemit.

When is say succeed,i mean people who spend at least 6 months and above and are able to make some decent money!

I have realised the people who stick to Steemit and make some people whoever hard the start might be are

People who have always been searching for opportunities!

Let that above statement sink in before I give the explanation.The people who succeed on Steemit are the one's who have been searching for opportunities.

Let me put it clearly here,most of the people you see making it big are the one's who have always looked and tried many things ..!

They have done many things prior to Steemit. They have applied and done many online jobs.They have joined many scams and pyramids(obviously without them knowing!).

These people tried and joined all these things in the hope of bettering their lives,unfortunately they turn out bad for them!

I am not yet successful on Steemit,but i can relate to what I have written above there! I have done many online stuff that end up disappointing!

I have done and still do Network Marketing,all in the name of bettering myself and family.

I have realised that the more you try new things,the higher the chances of you getting that one thing that will work out and people out of ignorance will call you lucky.

I have read many stories of great Steemians here and have seen that striking similarity,they have done many things and looked and searched for opportunities.

If you have been searching for opportunities and then you land on Steemit....you feel like you have hit a jackpot! Get time and ask all those successful guys or those you call successful on Steemit(they all tell you their stories).

When i also look at our Ugandan community, the guys who make the most money are the ones who have looked for opportunities especially online ones!

It has to be noted that the number of people who want or are bettering their lives are always few!! It is how nature

In summary,the guys who make it big here are entrepreneurs! People who know it takes time to build something.

The people who believe in Steemit now are those who know the real money has not yet been made yet....The real money on Steemit will be made 5 year's from now.

If you have read this far and don't have a long-term mindset....you better develop it cos the money is coming in the near future.You need to set yourself up now.

Steemit is for people with the right success attitude! It's not for people with a poverty mindset.

I have done many promos and have seen this in play...There are a few folks who understand Steemit instantly..as in instantly.

I also have a habbit of asking some people I introduce Steemit to of why they joined ! When they tell me their stories, they connect to what I wrote above...they have been searching.....

In contrast,Steemit is not for short term thinkers....people thinking of only today.This is the poverty mindset.These are people who start complaining of how their posts don't make money just after one week or month.

Steemit is not for people with a get rich quick mentality!

It has to be noted that the world is filled with many poverty mindset people.

We just have to keep promoting Steemit until we get the people who are ready for Steemit.

There is little or no mentorship needed for people who have been searching for Steemit.

We have to go through many unserious folks though to find the gold ones!

Let us keep promoting Steemit until we find the searchers and we shall find them.
Steemit recently celebrated 1,000,000 accounts and it has to be noted that only 60,000 are active and am happy to be among this 60k!

If you have read til this far,you have a choice to quit or stick around and enjoy insane success 3 or 5 year's from now!

That was all I had for today

If you missed my last posts find them below

Jarau Moses

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