I got in a Gnarly Car Accident last night!

Good Afternoon Steemit Fam. Unfortunately, my fiancee and I were in a pretty gnarly car accident last night. WE ARE ALRIGHT! Apparently, moments before our involvement, a very aggressive driver of a Hyundai SUV had cut off an 18 wheeler Tractor Trailor which caused them both to flip. The SUV had turned on its side and left debris all over the road, which I reduced speed to avoid hitting. While avoiding debris, I noticed an overturned vehicle up ahead but not until it was too late.


There came a point, within a split second, that I make a thin slice determination that we were not going to avoid a collision. We braced for impact and slammed into a tractor trailer (that was thankfully filled with tires.)

Needless to say, we were shaken up a bit and now have a whole mess to deal with. Miraculously though, all parties are unharmed and thankfully it was determined that we are not at fault.

Moral of the story is, highway driving is not a competition. Drive defensively. If you drive to aggressively you can cause a life-changing consequence for yourself and others who share the road with you.

I omitted posting pictures to protect privacy for now!

Be safe out there fam!

~Hratch @jangaladesigns

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