Extending the Reach of Your Brand the Right Way

NETCOINS listed Steem on their exchange recently for free and then NASDAQ released an informative article to their followers about the great news!

What better coverage exists for any crypto & blockchain company than a huge shout out from a mainstream asset like NASDAQ?!

I’m not sure even Ned Scott, CEO of Steemit, knew how this contest and the win of it would extend the reach of the brand but it has created quite a bit of buzz in the financial community and the blockchain world!

How to Extend Your Reach

Every business owner and stakeholders of major brands know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising and can make or break a business depending upon what exactly is being said!

For the Netcoins contest, so many Steemians were happily and frequently tweeting out under hashtags like #LoveSteemVoteSteem and #lovesteem for almost a week that Twitter blew up with the news of the contest. Other coins tried to compete and beat out Steem but, ultimately, fell short or were discovered to have been cheating.

Point 1 is to never be caught publicly cheating in a contest because this can be damaging to your brand. The last thing you want is for your brand to be diluted by something like that. Scandal brings eyes to a business and brand but is that the kind of attention you want?

Point 2 is to keep the social media engagement flowing even after the social media blast is over because it doesn’t look good for your brand to be front page splash and then be forgotten.

Point 3 is to designate hashtags that are appropriate for your brand and encourage brand loyalists to use them frequently when they post about your brand.

Point 4 is to come up with trendy marketing campaigns that aren’t offensive to your target audience. One example of a successful campaign on the Steemit platform is the “Jeff” campaign that was used during the Netcoins contest! Those adorable potatoes with their little signs gained quite a bit of traction.

I very much enjoyed the opportunity to take part in the campaigns that I have on Steem and I love being part of the @oracle-d community!

Thanks for reading,


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