Do you actively invite your friend to join in Steemit? How? Where?

I love Steemit and I'd like it will grow fast and soon, as all of us (I think).
I'm thinking to enlarge my Steemit network inviting my "social friends" to join in it, but...
I'm not sure what best argument to use to obtain best results.

Of course, first argument I can use is quite simple: join to Steemit and make money posting popular or niche posts.

Thinking on it little longer, I'm not really sure that this argument will be produce good results, in short or long timing.
Not talking about blockchain, crypto and "unusual characters" of Steemit, I fear that 99% of peoples I can "touch" with this easy argument will be soon downhearted to proceed the complicated journey to be here.

What other argument you used with good results to invite your social friends in Steemit? Thank for your kind suggestions!!

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steemit social.jpg

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