If You Wish to Smile Today...


Today I woke up feeling drained, stressed, tired, had a headache and was just plain ol’ grumpy... and then I read her words (in the link below).

It’s not always easy mastering each day as they come, because we are emotional creatures after all, so it sure does help to find some perspective from time to time. As grateful as I am, as happy I am with my life, as young and free as I feel, I don’t always wake up on the right side of the bed. When days like this occur, I am always thankful to have little gems like this cross my path. This young woman gave me life today. She put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart. Life is too beautiful and precious to stress or frown your happiness away. I will not sabotage my day, nor my happy life. You don’t have to either. So if you’re feeling the weight of negative feelings, please... always remember to take a step back, breathe and find the right perspective again.

Wishing you all a beautiful Wednesday filled with smiles and contentment. ☺️❤️


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