Mining STEEM on Genesis-Mining , now HERE! Yaaaaas!!!

Thus far in my experience, Genesis-mining has been rock star in quality and reputable service mining bitcoin and alt coins.

(Unknown source, google image search)

(Unknown source, google image search)

Most recently they announced that they will be adding STEEM as an option on to their Ethereum contracts.
Check it out

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I checked my dashboard today and it's there indeed:

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There it is!!!

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I am pretty much stoked about their moves toward Steem though. I am sure a lot of thought and consideration was taken before pulling the trigger on having steem as an option for this company. I think it speaks volumes for Steems future and adoption. So, there is it. It's there for your benefit!

No strategy at this time. I may switch my allocation to Steem for a week just to get an idea of what a days payout on the contract is when it's rolling on Steem. I will let you all know when I get to that stage.

If you have Genesis-mining and want to trade use of code to mutually benefit from the discount,
let me know. I have a code and I will reciprocate 1:1 on code use if you are interested. All day, any day the contracts are available so let me know.


Stay well everybody. Peace!

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