Steemit, Inc. brand and logo are intellectual property that are protected by law. DO NOT USE THEM.

It's official, with the "light green" logo you see on the steemit website, if you use it without permission, you could be sued.

In the past, you could incorporate the STEEM logo like this without any worry you were violating a copyright:


However if I did the same thing with the new light green steemit logo, I could be sued or face other legal ramifications.

(I will not show that light green logo here, even if it could be considered "fair use". It is simply easier not to do that)

As per the recent announcement on steemitblog today:

The Steemit brand and logo are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright and other proprietary rights of the United States and foreign countries.

One may not make unauthorized commercial use of, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies, perform, or publicly display the Steemit logo or brand, except as permitted by the doctrine of fair use or as authorized in writing by us.

It is important all users realize this immediately.

  • DO NOT ever copy/paste or reproduce the steemit "light green" logo or use any variations of their brand without prior written permission

  • If you follow the doctrine of fair use, and are "absolutely sure" you are not violating their intellectual property rights (I recommend consulting a lawyer)... then you can use it.

I have no ill will towards Steemit, Inc. If they want to sell their own merchandise with a Steemit logo on it, then they should feel free to do so without having anyone else compete with them.

However, you can do whatever you wish with these STEEM logos:

As the steem gets more popular, and attracts more money, of course we'll see things happen like this over time.

Until now it has been a free-for-all it seems.. Things are about to get a little more serious (and legal) as time goes on.

Be prepared, be wise, and stay legally safe. :)

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