Why Steemit Will Disrupt The Trillion Dollar Tech Giants and Share The Wealth With The People

Google, and Facebook are two of the biggest companies currently on earth because they have information. They have information on all of us. They know what you like, what you don't like, your hobbies, type of movies and music you enjoy. They have all this information on you because you are happily giving it to them when you search for anything on google, or when you like/share/post on Facebook.

And this information is what makes them so powerful. This is the information that advertisers and marketers are paying billions of dollars for. I don't personally think that it's wrong for them to have this information because we are happily giving it to them but at this point in time, this tremendous amount of data they have on the population at large is centralized, and stored securely in a server somewhere 30 feet underground, and only accessible to a select few.

But the block-chain technology is about to shatter all of that. Specially a platform like steemit. Before I share my vision of the future I see for steemit and all of us here on this decentralized social media, you must understand that I am one of a mindset who believes that if you can imagine it, you can create it.

So the vision I am about to share with you doesn't exists yet but I do not see why It can't in the future. And, if you are a developer reading this, please share your opinion with everyone in this community, about what you make of this. Right now steemit is a cross between Reddit and Facebook, and since everything is posted on the block-chain technology, every word ever written, or monetary transaction ever made is stored on the block-chain for everyone to see at anytime. This is how it should be and is the ultimate form of open market.

Steemit already has a search bar at the top right corner, that we can use in similar fashion to google search. If this search feature is mass adopted then we are proving the block-chain with information about ourselves similar to how we are providing information to Google and Facebook. The difference here, this information is decentralized and accessible to anyone that can find a easy way to access it.

So for example, I am starting this blog with some informative articles on health and fitness. Once I accumulate a mass amount of followers and there is a feature for me to see what my followers are searching for, I may see that a good majority of them are interested in the ketogenic diet. Upon getting this data, I can write about the ketogenic diet which provides massive amounts of value to both me as a content creator and my audience who is looking for this specific information.

But as of now, Facebook and google are hoarding all this information and selling it to advertisers for millions of dollars. However, steemit is on the verge of distributing all that wealth among the people.

So a call to action for us is to start using steemit to search for information and share this amazing platform with the world. So the next time you want to find a recipe for some sugar free, dairy free, vegan cookies, consider searching it on steemit before resorting to google.

And as always, Stay Informed My Friends!!

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