[ENG] Random Steemit Questions

Random Steemit questions for more adept user:

  1. Does it get incrementally more difficult to raise the REP level?
    It seems that increasing my REP was easier at first and now incrementally harder. Is this true? Any explanations on the algorithm that governs the REP score?

  2. What are the activities that most increase the REP level?
    What are the main things I should do rapidly increase my REP score?

  3. What are good resources, technical specs, or trusted sources to get in-depth technical information on Steemit.com?
    I am looking for information sources when I can learn about Steemit.com to its core.

I am looking into these question myself. Since Steemit.com is decentralized, it can be a challenge to find "official resources" to guide me. If any of you can guide me to the where you get you official information on the technicalities of Steemit, it would be greatly appreciated.

You can post your responses in the comments sections. I look forward to hearing from you.

May you all have a great day!

Join me on the Discord channel for #steemithonduras.

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