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Baby in a multilingual environment

Hi, all. 

I've been always thinking of running a blog for myself to learn (and share with you) about babies in a multilingual environment which I struggled to find 'real experiences' online. I'm Korean (South, as you may expect) and currently work in the UK, and it was a bit difficult to find blogs on this issue. 

Our baby has just arrived on last week, so I assume this is a good timing to start a blog on how a baby learns to speak both languages (hopefully) and think it would be useful to make this blog on Steemit rather than a Korean blog (which I originally planned to) due to the amount of information will be massive here. I hope this information will be worth to some of you, too. 

I'm going to deal with topics on the cultural difference which we'll encounter in terms of language learning. I also want to talk about used (second hand) items cos they were quite helpful, especially preparing nursery items for our baby! My English is not perfect, so please excuse me, but I'll try to keep this blog going in English (as I'm working in this country) as well as Korean. I don't even know how I can use Steemit effectively and what the system's like yet, but will find out more as well. Cheers!

안녕하세요. 영국에서 일을 하고 있는 아기 아빠입니다! (저번 주에 아기가 태어났어요!) 

외국에 있는 관계로 아기가 어떤 식으로 언어를 배울지에 대해 항상 궁금한 점이 있었는데, 정보를 찾아보다가 많지 않아서 블로그를 운영해볼까 하다가 Steemit을 알게 되었습니다. 아직 운영이나 어떤 포털?인지는 잘 알지 못하지만, 이용자들이 좀 더 활발하게 참여한다는 점이 큰 장점인 것 같아서 새롭게 시작하게 되었습니다. 앞으로 아기 용품 또는 중고 물픔들에 대한 리뷰를 좀 해보고자 하구요, 다양한 분들의 의견을 공유하면서 함께 좋은 정보들 많이 만들어나가면 좋겠습니다.

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