Message to the newbies



I have been user of steemit for week now. I convinced many friends to join us also. And what have I seen during this period of conviction and while watching newbies?

1.Many people are not interested in Crypto and block-chain tehnology

They are just interested in making profit, and it’s okay. I know it looks hard to learn all that new stuff. But belive me, there is so much information there that I’m sure you will find something interesting and enjoyable. And if you are trading you will boost up your profit (I am being contradictory here because in one of my posts I said it’s gambling, but I am trying to convince you 🙂). And one more thing, knowing some basics is like General culture for users of this platform.

2. Bitcoin and altcoins are all the same, you know, just currencies

WRONG. Bitcoin is like gold, hold of value, and you can look at it like it’s currency. But, all other “currencies” are platforms or different projects that are made for developers to write decentralized apps or dapps. I will just count some of ethereum apps or dapps that looks interesting to me:

  • Golem - Network where anyone can make money by 'renting' out their computer. It’s like all rented computers are becoming one big computer 😂 .(more ways of making profit)
  • Augur - Predictive Market Network where anyone can bet on future events.(more profits)
  • Round coin -Esports gaming platform where people can bet on video games.(more profits)


For me, IOTA project look so interesting. Can you imagine that machines can communicate between themselves almost like humans? That’s IOTA guys, future is coming.

Oh, I almost forgot about steem. It’s not just currency it’s whole project based on EOS and you should watch

I like his explanations.

I am not developer, and there is so much things I don’t know. But, I always try to dig up some simplified explanations, some basics that can help me see how is this game being played. I think you should dig up to.

Research, learn, research, learn, research… Don’t ever forget fameous sentence

“The more you Learn, The more you earn” - Frank Clark

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