About crossing the 200 Steem Power mark.

Here are some tips and my thoughts on why I am here

Two things first
I am not an expert. 200 Steem Power isn't that much. Lots of people has has far more power. But it has been my goal to grow with just writing and voting. So reaching 200 is a milestone for me.

I am here to have fun. My tips are about growing (earning money) and having fun at the same time.

Always "Power Up"
You grow by earning votes. Votes will give you Steem Dollars and Steem Powers. As you earn- use that money. Go to your wallet and "Power up". Powering Up give you a long term benefits as your votes will pay a higher reward.

Be yourself
It is easy to write about common things, or subjects you know people like in general. But If you wanna have fun, meet new friends and evolve- be yourself and write about what you like. You will bump into people that are into the same as you. Be kind- upvote and check their blogs steadily. You will soon see that they do the same to you.

Follow friends and topics you like
I have almost stopped posting on Facebook. I have nothing against it, but I enjoy the anonymity and free spirit of Steemit. This is a social platform, but it doesn't mix your family, job, friends and daily life. Enjoy that freedom to follow people and topics that you might not do on other social platforms.

Find a "Circle of Friends"
There are lots of sub categories that people are actively following. They may not be the biggest "tags", but they have dedicated followers. That means your comments and votes will count. They are also more likely to vote on your post. Be sure to read up on the "rules" of the sub group. As always in life- rules may apply to you.

Personally I would recommend #onebitnews . Onebitnews is a weekly online Newspaper and a Circle of Friends. You will find interesting topics on subjects such as: How to grow on Steemit, Writing better posts, Science, Music and Games ++.

Use your power
There are tools that you can use on how to check your Power. Personally I use http://steem.cool/ and https://steemd.com/@"yourname".

Be sure to vote on a regular basis. If your voting power is 100% that means you are not using your power to the best. I try to have my voting power between 70% and 95%.

Find your favourite topics/ friends and throw fast votes around. Do that almost every day. Everybody loves to be voted on. If you have better time- leave a comment. You will soon see that you get votes back in return.

Be patient- don't give up!
I have been on Steemit for 7-8 months. It takes time to grow. Nice and steady does it!
It can also go fast! Write a post that people like and you will grow in a hurry.
Don't give up after a short time. Giving up is always a guarantee for failure. Not just on Steemit, but life in general.

Use good tags
You can use up to 5 tags on a post. Be sure to use 5. Be sure that some of the tags are actively used by others. That will increase your chance of getting votes. But don't use tags that doesn't fit your post. Wrong tags annoy people and it can give you a "downvote"!

Write posts and resteem
Try to write posts regularly.
It takes time to write a good post. Don't have the time? Check your favourite topics or friends and resteem their posts. It will benefit you and them.

Have better tips??
Please type them in your comments below. I am always eager to learn more.

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