Issues with Steemit we always wanted to get solved

Being a Steemit user is exciting in itself. We learn, We socialize, Our time passes good, We set targets for our blogs and most importantly we get paid for that. This trend of Social media where not only share holders on the top gets all the benefits from the site but also the people who are making the site working will get the part of it.
This site is growing and users all loving it but since the Steemit is in it's beta version, there are some issues with it everyone wants them to get fixed:

Notification Tab

I always wish that I could get notified when people I follow post any blog, or I get any reply or comment on the post I engage with and when I get any upvote. It is very hard to reply to every comment, I have to remind myself to check if there are any comments or reply on my post or at any other I engaged with.

initial confirmation time

Remember the time when you waited days to get your Steemit account setup, The biggest hurdle for the people who wishes to join Steemit is that initial confiramtion email taking 3 days or a week. Some people gets irritated and demotivated by this time where all your excitement drains off with time... I think every one wishes that steemit can reduce that time to.... 5 minutes or soo....

steemit chat

There is a different area for chat on steemit, the chat interface is quiete basic and lacking many functions like notification of "read" "delivered" etc. Steemit can do much more to its chat thing so that people could convert totally to steemit.

after all that it is a very good platform to show our blogging skills, learn things, connecting with people, making friends and getting paid for all that..

check out my previous posts

Which Programming Language to Learn - Complete guide with famous implemented examples

the best answers to "WHO WORE IT BETTER?"

Celebrating 100+ followers today -- so Happy -- What I learned so far? -- sharing my experience

15 Family Guy Jokes can make you Laughing out loud - Part II

Bitcoin vs Ether - What's the Difference?? Explained

and more

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