
Our generation can be considered the luckiest that has ever lived to date because of how social media has shaped our lives. We do not know what to expect from the next generation, looks more like they will live in another planet entirely as technology keeps evolving and changing the way the world works but until then, we have to focus on what we have now and that is why I want us to discuss these 3 social media channels.


Facebook happens to be the most preferred for many reasons by many millennials because of its simplicity, years of existence, many features that makes it easy for people to connect with friends, family and business partners etc but will Facebook despite the constant updates and upgrades continue to be relevant?
This question will raise a lot of arguments no doubts as some people practically can't survive a day without reading their friends posts, comments, live videos etc but the only thing that is constant in life is change besides Facebook is not standing alone as we have another social community which personally I prefer to Facebook and the name is TWITTER!


Twitter has been around for a while just like Facebook but has more youths, freedom fighters, influencers, activists, whistle blowers, noise makers etc than Facebook. This sounds funny but it's true! Twitter has been seen as a very vital tool to drive a revolution or as a means for voices to be heard, Twitter trends and hashtags has helped to create a lot of publicity and awareness and personally if I want to know what's trendy, what's hot, get latest gist and quality information, i don't go on Facebook or anywhere else, I go to twitter trends, check the trending hashtags and in no time I will have more than enough information.

We have instagram, snapchat and countless other social media channels but this two I mentioned seems to standout. Depending on how you use this tools, they can be more valuable than just "social media" accounts where you go to relax, people make hundreds of thousands using same social media daily. A close source told me sometimes in 2015 that Linda Ikeji asked for 250k for just a tweet to promote a brand, according to her she's chargeing that high based on the number of followers she has meaning she's charging like 1# per followers she got free of charge because Nigerians likes gossip.
Many people have contacted me to ask "How can I start blogging and make money like Linda?" and I wonder how many people can do what Linda does, either Facebook or Twitter, before you will get to that level where you will earn even 1k on social media, you must have invested time, energy and data. My point exactly is...Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc are not designed to make everyone have money.


The battle between Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels will continue till end of time that I know but there is a silent winner that will eventually outshine them all and the name is... STEEMIT.
Steemit is not only the game changer but the "effort rewarder" if the word exists. Many times you will post an article on Facebook or Twitter and get thousands of likes and or retweets and that's all you get, STEEMIT can be used instead of other channels to get compensated for the hardwork you put in the article. Imagine making a single blog post and without having to worry over google adsense, paid adverts etc and making some few bucks just because people relate with your post. As new as this channel is, it won't take long before everyone will be singing the praise of Steemit as they sing that of Facebook, Twitter and the likes but the BIG question is, will STEEMIT overtake Twitter & Facebook anytime soon? Will you dump other social media pages for SEEMIT and will STEEMIT become the ultimate winner?

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