Fair or Unfair


A loud cry strikes the hall of mimo clinic kaduna at the badiko area around 1a.m in the morning it was a dark, cold and beautiful night. that night a child was given unto the Raimi's family and his name would forever be called Oluwaseun. Cool way to start a story right? a beautiful afternoon to all my readers out there today is September 21 of the year 2017 and My name is Raimi Oluwaseun.

Oluwaseun grew up in the suburbs of the kaduna community in Northern Nigeria which is most populated my Hausas as they are part of the three main ethnic tribes in the country. he grew up amongst his peers both Igbos and Hausas alike despite the fact that he was yoruba. his father migrated to the northern part of nigeria in search for greener pastures and due to the nature of his job as a financial officer he is well travelled and takes Oluwaseun with him to when travelling as such we can say oluwaseun is well travelled.

His mother who also migrated to the north did so in search for greener pastures and as such sealing life's fate over the union of her to oluwaseun's father. As a trader of dried fish, precious stones, trader and banker his mother was also well travelled taking oluwaseun along since he was an infant and had to be with his mother, oh! how he enjoyed being carried by his mother on her back as all african mothers do mostly, we can say oluwaseun has travelled twice as much as his parents right?

the fairness i have seen in the world is so minimal in all my travels and this is what brings about the question of IS LIFE FAIR OR UNFAIR? for some who were born with a silver spoon and everything at their back and call they might have another view of what i have seen in my travels.

if wealth were rationed based on who did the most work who do you think would have the most share? the people who do the most heavy lifting that built civilization today are the most under paid people and yet what they are paid is collected back in the form of taxes. should i continue?

O yes i will as we look closer to this topic in Part 2 of Fair or Unfair in my next post later today. thanks for reading y'all

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