Unfollow non-followback followers and following mutual ones - new features of the service SteemitTools.XYZ Instruction

Hello friends! I want to present you the next update of the site for https://steemittools.xyz - I added a long-promised opportunity to remove non-reciprocal followers and follow those who follow you. Below is an instruction on how to use it.

By opening the main page of the site https://steemittools.xyz you will see about such a window - in due course it can differ
Click on the Register button in the upper right corner. You will be taken to the registration page.
Enter your details and click the Sign in button.
You will immediately redirect to the so far only level of personal office. In front of you, you will see 2 fields for input - username and a WIF-key.
To find out your WIF-key, go to your wallet, go to the Permissions tab and click on to Show private key opposite the posting point.
After entering all the necessary information, click on the Find. Depending on the number of your followers, the search time will be different. After all the queries you will see the basic information about the number of followers and the following, and below there will be 2 buttons - stop following all non-reciprocal and follow those who follow you but you do not follow in response. Accordingly, clicking on this or that button will launch the process you need.

I do not keep my WIF-key. All actions occur ONLY in the tab of your browser and nowhere else. In order to verify this, just press F12 in your browser and see the requests that the script sends.
All removal actions are irreversible, i.e. They can not be returned.

In the future, I plan to add the ability to tag the list for whom to follow and not. So far that's all. Write your questions and suggestions in the comments, I'll answer all.

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