SteemitTools.XYZ - further plans for the development of the service

Hello friends. Yesterday, I updated the service to version 0.0.3, which I also wrote about Do you want to know how much money you gave? Then you are at the address! SteemitTools.XYZ v0.0.3. I got a lot of positive feedback not only in the comments, but also in the chat, so I continue to develop. So, about the plans:

  1. Since the service needs a personal cabinet - I add registration. For convenient management I will use for backend laravel.
  2. The frontend also remains on the vue, but will be optimized to reduce the file size
  3. I will add a ssl-certificate for safe operation
  4. I will work with device compatibility and remove a few small errors

This is the first thing that will be done in the coming days. Write your ideas and wishes, and they will be implemented.

For the future, the service will implement several opportunities that will be available only to a limited number of individuals. Believe me, they will be very specific. But for those who want to experience fortune - everyone who will support the project in their own upvote, will participate in the drawing of 10 free premium accounts. So the chance to get a premium is free for everyone;)

I repeat: if you have ideas - write. If your idea is pleasant to me and I will implement it - you will also be given a premium account. Have a nice day!
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