[PROBLEM] Steemit will soon have a problem that needs to be solved now

Friends, I believe that the Steemit community and the project team need to take care of solving a serious problem that will soon become extremely relevant. This is not the case when "problems should be solved as they come", it is of fundamental importance to prepare in advance for a radical change in the situation around the entire Steem project.

It's about the emergence of new independent sites and applications based on Steem's blockchain, but working on completely different technical and ethical principles than the site steemit.com.

To everyone, even beginners and those who are not very good at the infrastructure of the Steemit project, it became clear what I'm talking about, first I'll explain a little how everything is arranged here.

A typical Internet project has its own database, which stores texts, pictures, messages, other content, and a site or mobile application through which the content stored in the database is displayed to users. Database with content is the main wealth of the site, what it earns. Accordingly, no reasonable manager of the Internet project will come to mind to open access to its database to extraneous sites, and any unauthorized use of content from this database by extraneous sites is considered plagiarism and is pursued in every possible way.

In the blockchain everything is different. Blockchain is a large common database, open to all, both for reading and for writing. Any site, any application can absolutely freely "climb" into the blockchain, take from there any content and show it on its website. In the same way, any site and any application can write down any information in the general blockchain.

Obtaining information from the blockchain is not plagiarism since the economy of the blockchain is designed in such a way that open and free work with content is beneficial to all - its authors, custodians, distributors, and even users (supervisors).

In the language of the developers, a site or application that uses a blockchain as a database is called a "client". If you later see this word in the text, it is used in this sense - as a generalized name for all kinds of sites, bots, desktop applications, mobile applications, instant messengers and anything else that uses Steem's blockchain as its database.

Site stemit.com - only one of many possible customers.

The current policy of the founders of Steemit is very strongly focused on the development of the ecosystem of applications (customers) of Steem's blockchain. Site steemit.com is not a priority, it's just a demo version of what can be done on a media player.

What is the problem?

Let's move forward a few months, for example, in December 2017. One day a certain team of developers launches a mobile Android application, in which anyone can register in the unit and steem and post memes from the Internet.

Any struggle with plagiarism and copy-paste in this application is not supposed, on the contrary, dragging of other people's pictures there is encouraged in every way, since registered participants of this application are initially considered not publishers of content, but publishers, and are rewarded for being able to find on the Internet expanses especially funny and New meme.

The application is rapidly gaining popularity, a month later it already has a lot of participants who actively vote for memes, buy votes on the exchange to increase the power's power, write comments to pictures and generally lead a stormy life, without even knowing that somewhere there is such Site, as steemit.com.

But the essence, however, is this: all users of all Voice clients ultimately claim one amount of reward, "pulling" it from each other. The number of daily distributed Voice tokens is limited, and users of one client will always be hurt that "their" tokens are taken by someone else.

Variety of species

Another important point, adding to the severity of the problem, is the fundamental variety of possible customers Steem

Over time, customers may appear using Steem's storage for storage:

Geographical coordinates;
The moves in multiplayer games;
Results of sports matches;
Weather data;
Links to pictures;
Themselves of the pictures;
Encrypted messages (distributed messenger);
Musical notes;
Texts of computer programs;
Sites with layout, etc .;

In total, anything that can be written in the form of letters, numbers and other signs.

Plus, no one promised that the texts in Steem blockchain will only be in English.

All these customers will somehow use the Steem tokens: on the one hand, pulling them on themselves, and on the other, by increasing their price.

It is necessary to solve the issue of relations with future "competitors" steemit.com now, until they began to appear in large numbers. This is both useful and honest: at the very least, application developers will understand what they can expect: different applications that support neutrality in relation to each other.

Only the owners of clients (in our case, the administration of stemit.com) decide what to take from the blockchain and show it to their users. As far as I understand, now the administration stemit.k or does not have a developed position on this matter, or believes that it is necessary to show everything literally. And users will decide for themselves what to vote for, what to put the flag, and what not to pay attention to.

This is a controversial position. Let me remind you once again: clients who are not related to the creation of Unique Copyright Content can work on the steem client. If tomorrow a stream of thousands of geographic coordinates or chess moves moves into the tape, what will the users do? To put a flag these "posts"? But why?

The creators of the chess application absolutely do not expect that their "content" will be broadcast elsewhere, except for their applications, where these records are transformed into the movement of figures on virtual chessboards, and the viewer users in the graphical interface vote for the moves of the players. Why should a chess mobile application suffer due to the fact that administration steemit.com laziness (or ideology can not) turn off the broadcast of "chess" bots accounts?

My suggestions

I hope that those few who have read this long text to the end, realize the scale and importance of the problem before us. In my opinion, the current users of the system and the site administration need to come to some consensus with other customers.

My suggestions are:

Recognize the blockchain steem neutral area, which operates exactly one law - the program code of the blockchain. If the client successfully works using the capabilities of the blockchain, it is by definition considered acceptable;

Work for developers working with the mediablocchinom steem, create a separate site and / or a simple api for registering users of the blockchain without using the site steemit.com. On this site there should be only possibility of registration and management of the assets (a purse). Evaluation of the features of the blockchain, registration is likely to be paid;

To suggest the administration of the site steemit.com to find in advance the decision to restrict the publication of the site's tapes. For example, allow only the publication of accounts created directly on the steemit.io website before the tapes, and the rest by their personal applications. If the account is created in another client, its content does not appear by default in the tapes of the site steemit.com. If the account creator wants to get into the tape, he can do it, for example, by ticking off when signing the rules for using the site.

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