Defining Yourself Outside of Steemit

Yeah well, it's been a rough 24 hours, that's true for anyone. So there's no post telling you how much this time has sucked. You're all probably suffering from not being able to post/upvote/comment basically exist in the Steem universe in this time.
I know we've all been a bit testy and things are far from rosy right now, still, with the VP.

But these 24hours (awful though they were) gave me sometime to think. And a lot of time to wish Steemit was back on already so I could write about some of those thoughts. But it wasn't, so I figured I'd make do. A couple of days ago, @richq11 suggested I join WeKu, which you've probably heard of. It's very much like Steemit. And today, being unable to get here, I went there instead.
And like you do on all these sites, I wrote a small Intro post about myself.
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And it was hard. It was hard to talk about myself outside of Steemit. I kept going 'On Steemit, I've done this' and 'On Steemit, I'm that' and it occurred to me how weird that is. I really couldn't think of anything to say about myself that wasn't related to Steemit. I write - on Steemit. I like photography - on Steemit. Basically, everything I wanted to talk about in my introduction was Steemit.

It seems kinda funny, but is it really?

With these 24 hours and with Steemit being down earlier this week, we've really had a "crisis" time here, a time in which most of us have been rightfully pissed at not being able to do what we usually do best. Steeming. We've missed it, it's a fundamental part of ourselves. And that sounds good, sure. But again, is it?

In the past 24 hours, we haven't really known what to do with ourselves. We've been reloading and staring at the screens and checking...some of us even reading old posts (I did do a bit of catching up). And this goes to show what a huge part Steemit has in our lives.

Who are we without Steemit? Do we remember who we were?

Without mentioning Steemit, how would you introduce yourself?

Thank you for reading,


Thank fuck...I missed this.

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