How To Spot A SCAM In The Blink Of An Eye. [Possible SCAM 101.]

I am a freelancer, product creator, author and a dedicated, devoted and passionate Steemian.. - I would seriously hate myself if I didn't do this.


@matttrainer got some serious attention during these last few hours, all due to one simple, yet very effective post. - Mogul - Build Your Invisible Empire.

Hopefully, they won't debate or argue against me on this and I would never claim him or anyone else to be a scammer or fraudster in any way.. Not without solid evidence.

That being said, I don't have any evidence and I don't have any intentions of trying to find evidence either. - So, long story short, I don't and I won't call Matt or his new "Game" a ponzi, fraud or a scam.


Matt got my attention, well in all honesty, Matt got my attention at first, due to his extraordinary in-depth post.. - But he lost me after a few short seconds, (like most product creators, authors and other "money making" guys does too), but just when I was about to go back and find another article to read, I saw these insane and honestly speaking, rather creepy replies on Matt's post.. - I almost got a heart attack when I saw so many people out there without the tiniest amount of self-awareness.

I've been doing this so called "I am working from the comfort of my own home"-type of crap these last 7 years or so. Full time. -I am just a random, humble guy from Sweden who doesn't even have English as my native tongue.

That being said..

I don't make millions. I don't make hundreds of thousands.. I don't even make $50K per month.. - So who am I to give you some piece of advice you might ask?

It's totally fine.. I get your point and I'll share some details with you.

I guess you've heard about WF, right? - Warriorforum. - The #1 Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace.

Well, it doesn't even matter if you've heard about it or not.. I'll just walk you through some of this, for the sake of the post.

There's literally hundreds of fantastic authors and product creators who've turned their life around, with the use of warriorforum. - Many of them have become millionaires. - And many of them, are still selling crap to their clients.

And no, I'm not harsh.

Wake up money-seeker. There's no get-rich-quick-fix to solve all your financial problems. - You will most likely, never become a millionaire. - Not on Steemit and not in your freelancing career either. - But that's okay. You're not bad a person because of that.

In all honesty, the creators of these "money making reports, courses and guides", are the bad ones. - And yeah, I am totally allowed to say it, because I am one of those people myself. - With one huge difference.

I don't claim to sell "super-awesome-mega-tactics" and I don't promise people to go from rags to riches over night.. - Because that ain't me. - And that's probably one of the reasons for me to never become a millionaire from this shit either.

Image Source

That's NOT me!

  • Oh, did I forget to mention why they're selling BS products?

Because they can. Simple as that. - They've been into this for a long, long time and during that time, they've built some serious mailing lists, with the use of their "phenomenal marketing skills".

A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers is referred to as "the mailing list", or simply "the list".

You know, everytime you sign up to something. A newsletter or if you buy a product from one of these amazing creators who'll just give you their "golden secrets" for $197.. - They're building their lists.

So, sure, most people are probably doing it the "right" and the "proper" way for starters..

  • But imagine this:

You have a list of 100,000 people. All of them have bought something from you in the past.

Why on earth would you spend 100+ hours to write something new, when you can just copy, paste and do some minor edits and give your previous product a "new cool look" instead..?

  • The answer is, that most people won't spend hours writing something new. They will feed you with the things you want to hear. With the information you think you need to hear..

So why would they bother and risk to spend hundreds of hours making something new, when they know they've got 100K clients in total from their previous products?

1 year later and they've made 10 or 15 products in total. - Suddenly, you'll get an awesome email with something like this:


  • And ... 24 hours later, and they've made 10 millions.

Sure this equation is based on 25,000 buyers from a 100K list, so it's obviously not accurate in any way.. But yeah, at least you get the picture.

Anyhow, let's continue..

In this day and age we have mutual friend. - Google.

Google is fantastic. He talks a lot of shit but from time to time, he gives us exactly what we need. He tell us the truth, just like our best friends would do, no matter the situation.. - He enlighten us.

  • Let me introduce you to him...

How To Spot A SCAM..


With one simple question, even without the question mark, you'll get answers. - I'm glad this guy isn't a grammar nazi.

This is the first link you'll see.

To make it even easier for you, I'll provide some screenshots from the source.

First screenshot:

Second screenshot:

Hopefully, most of you are aware of things like this already.. But judging from some of the replies I read on Matt's post, some of you doesn't seem to be careful or self-aware at all..


So hear me out on this..
I didn't attend to Matt's Webinar, so this is not from me personal, but I read some replies which was made after the actual webinar.

Two things that raised my eyebrows were;

  • You had to download an execute file (.exe) to listen to the webinar.
  • The title.title.png

I don't know about you, but I also felt rather confused about the actual content within the post. - It was literally a bunch of nonsense, real or true doesn't matter, but it was all about hype.

One guy made this and the other one that.. They are rich now and yada yada yada, blah blah blah..

Once again, don't take me the wrong way here.. I know, for a fact, that you're selling your own product. You need the hype. You need to make it confusing but still entriguing enough to make people interested.. - You need people to get the feeling of "WOW! This looks awesome, I might be able to pay all my debts and loans with this.. - Let's take look!!"

  • When you as a product creator reach this.. - You've won. Simple as that.

Image Source

That being said.. So called; "click-bait" titles have always been a proven way to get some extra audience. True or false, that doesn't really matter. For some.

From my understanding, so far, (still by reading other people's replies), there seems to be a $10 million prize pool, but no evidence of it to be real. - Which obviously makes me hesitate even more.

However, if I could be part of something super-cool, new, fresh and amazing.. And get a chunk of $10 million. Sign me up, I'm down for that. - And I'm still not saying that this is true or false, because I don't have any evidence like I stated previously. - But, I do use this as an example (or insipiration) for this post of mine.

I have been a salesperson for almost a decade in total. Without counting in the freelancer part of my life. - I broke a salesrecord my second day at a new job I had.. And so on.. - I know how to sell.

You don't have to sell your product.. Which most people tend to believe. - All it takes, is to sell yourself. - The words you say, is what you have to believe. If you believe in everything you say, people will buy it. - That's the game.

Online however, it's obviously a bit different. We use salesletters or videos to describe problems and present solutions for them.. - And we also play on people's emotions.

Are you struggling to pay your rent?
Are you tired of busting your balls for nickels and dimes? - I did all of that myself.."
Do you need a vacation?! - I've been on the longest vacation in my life now.. For 11 years.. And I still make $XXXXXXXX per day, without effort!

  • And so forth.. - You've all seen it..

Click-baits and emotions. They feed you with the most common questions they can, because they now that these questions will bring you closer to the "buy now" button on their sales page. - And to make it even easier for you to decide.. They even give you an "awesome bonus if you sign up today!" - And that's usually bogus or crap too.

In Matt's post, you could read this:

Yep you read that right, a $10 million prize pool!

You can get in early and be ahead of the public.

Details will be revealed on the live training tonight June 4, 2017 at 6:00 PM Pacific.

It will be recorded if you can't make it live.

But live attendees get in ahead of everyone else and get a special head start.

  • A rather awesome sales-pitch actually.

He gives you the "carrot", when he mentions the $10 millions. He also state, not only once but twice, that you'll get ahead start, if you jump on-board right now. - Which obviously is to encourage people to take action immediately.

True of false? - I'm not the one to decide, so I won't.. - What I can admit however, is that he's doing a pretty good job, sale-wise.

He also wrap things up with a good CTA. (call-to-action):

See you tonight on the live training!

All of that is sales techniques.

What I'm curious about, is to know what the cost of this whole shebang is.. - I can't imagine this being free. Even though I can't even say what "this" actually is. - I know it's a "game", like they call it.. - And I know I'm already doing it, because I'm on steemit... - But nah, his intentions, as a salesperson, is to make money.. And he won't make money if it's free. - That's my two cents.

This is starting to become a very long post...

Honestly, that was never my intention. I thought I'd make a post about BS, potential scam things, and how to recognize them.. - And here we are..

Oh, I almost forgot. Feel free to reply in this thread, in case you're starting to receive newsletters. - I mean, you had to register to attend the webinar, right? - That's what we would call; "potential clients" ;)

Just a side note.. Anyone besides me who wonder why no one told him to upload a "steemit verification photo" like others does? :D

Cheers & Good luck!

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