This is Where You Should Focus 80% of Your Energy on Steemit.

I Heard There are Great Writers on Steemit But They are Not Making Any Steem.

The story will repeat throughout your lives. Super talented people who never get noticed. I don't care if it is a writer on Steemit, a photographer, artist or someone with a great product to sell.

It always cracks me up when I see posts on Steemit claiming the reason people are not successful here is because their posts are not written well or some other lame reason, that is pure bullshit.

Do You Want to Know Why You are Not Successful on Steemit?

It is because you spend all of your time focusing on things that do not produce results. Here is a list of things that do not pay the bills on Steemit.

  1. Writing Quality
  2. Article Length
  3. Fancy Formatting
  4. Flag Wars, yup you read that correct.
  5. Quantity of Posts.

"OMG Randy, you are saying we should write crappy posts. No I am not, keep reading."

You Are Literally Invisible.

What is the 80/20 Principle on Steemit?

There are three aspects to everything you do on Steemit. Here is the list from the video adapted to this platform.

  1. Production- Writing, Graphics and Editing.
  2. Operations- Voting Power, Bandwidth, Payouts etc.
  3. Marketing- Commenting, Following others, Upvoting Others and Being Part of the Community.

Marketing should take up 80% of your time, get noticed.

Where are the Successful Steemians Spending Their Time?

They are spending their time on marketing. Just like in business you can have the best tool but if nobody knows about it, nobody will buy it. The same goes for content on Steemit. If no one knows you exist then no one will upvote your posts.

"But Randy I want my content to look great so that people will like it." My reply "great, do that but spend 5X the amount of time on marketing your content!"

If You are New or Struggle to Be Noticed Here is an Action Plan.

a. Spend 1 hour writing your post.
b. Spend 10 minutes editing your post.
c. Spend 2 Hours sharing your content on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
d. Spend 3 hours per day engaging with other users or also known as building relationships.

Randy I Don't See You Engaging Across Steemit.

I know you think because I don't do it that you think you can get away with it to. Well, I will let you in on a little secret. I have been in this social media game for years and I was part of Steemit shortly after it began. I have put my time in working, earning the privilege to sit back and enjoy the benefits. The long and short of it is that you have not earned your spot at the table yet. Have you ever heard the term, "work smart, not hard"? Put your energy into being seen rather than having a perfect post.

If You Are Not Willing to Put in the Work to Be Successful, Why Should You Be Rewarded?

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