How I survive in Venezuela thanks to the Internet

 Hello community of Steemit, my name is Hernan I am 20 years old and I live in Venezuela, Today I want to tell you how I live or I manage to survive thanks to the Internet in Venezuela. 

  * Important information:

In Venezuela the minimum wage + food tickets is equivalent to 457,000Bsf that would be like $ 4.93 USD 



In Venezuela at the moment it is very complicated to find a job, due to the great crisis that the country is going through, so it is necessary to improvise. In a few words working solving Google recaptchas through a page called Kolotibablo and daily achievement between $ 0.50 to $ 1.50, is not much money but with it I can help my parents to buy food, me to play football and thus fight against the hyperinflation that exists in Venezuela.


Thank you very much to all who read this post and greetings to the entire Steemit community, big hug to all.

Sorry if there is any error, use Google translator to translate it haha. 

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