Always want to forget - always firmly in mind.

There was a time when people quietly fled from love. They avoid the shadow, but what they can not avoid is the feeling of silence, wandering in the moonlight, sleeping in the sleep, emotional things, often not clear, not do not want to love, not do not love, afraid of love is also a kind of injury.


There are many people who you thought you could forget. Actually not. They are always in the corner of your heart. Till the end of your life. At the end you will miss the light in the darkness in every corner, because they make up your memory and feelings. But you can't hug them anymore. It can only be understood at the end that the journey is a lost process.

Deep down in our hearts, love and loneliness are actually the same emotions, they follow like shadows, inseparable. The more we feel lonely, the stronger our desire for love is.

Why do I write this? Because when you meet a person and make a mistake, you want to make up for it, and you want to pay it. Finally, you will find that you are powerless to return to the sky, and you can never make up for your mistakes.

Friends, keep smiling and face life.

Chaser -hereyouareXL

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