Afghanistan needs Steemit


Afghanistan needs Steemit

#Afghanistan is one of the poorest countries in the world. It has been through a series of conflicts that has continued for decades. Poverty in Afghanistan is widespread throughout rural and urban areas, half of the population still lives without access to clean water.

Kabul the capital of Afghanistan where the current government recognizes the internet as an important source of growth and development for the country, that it can create opportunities for disadvantaged groups and improve the access of the rural poor to markets .

Where there's a will there's a Steemit way!

Steemit “Steem” would be used for savings and other basic financial services, a lifeline for Afghan's that don’t currently have access to capital.

It’s a key strategy in helping people living in poverty to become financially independent, which helps them become more resilient and better able to provide for their families.

Considering nearly half the world survives on less than $2 a day, Steemit is a vital solution for posting a beautiful flower gives a dad money to feed his child.

If trade stops, war starts and the opposite is also true we want a nation of shop keepers! Or Steemit keepers : ) who are free to learn to share and have fun.

I say #Steemit for #Kabul : )




Afghan Girl is a 1984 photographic portrait by journalist Steve McCurry.

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