😢 I Lost My Steemit Streak: HOW TO POST DAILY CONTENT?💡

3 Days ago I celebrated a month here on Steemit

And at the time I remember thinking how crazy it was that i've literally posted something on Steemit every single day since I opened my account. Sometimes twice a day, sometimes even three times a day if I ever had a day I was really excited!

I was on a roll!

...and then I broke it! I had a whole 24 hours that I didn't post anything 😓

This is definitely something that I felt a little bad about... not too bad, but kind of like the level of bad you feel when you're having a really healthy day and then you drink a can of coke and you're like "dammit hannah, you were doing so well!"

I know it is definitely a good idea to be posting at least once a day, if not more like 3 times a day, as I found when I looked at the Top 50 Author Posting Strategies. I feel like a really good habit that I wanted to get into was posting once in the morning and once in the evening because that way you're catching different types of people from different time zones as well. According to @cerebralace the best time of day to post is between 1-7pm EST.

But how can you post so frequently?

💜 Keep a place (either a notebook or on your phone) to write down ideas that pop into your head about posts to create. 💡

💛 Set aside time each day to write something. I am trying to spend some time between 7am-8am on Steemit in the mornings, and then some time before I go to bed as well!

💚 Day off? Create some content in advance. On your next day off from work, try and work through a few of the posts that you have listed in your notebook. Next time you make a meal, take some photos of the steps, and then next time you're in need of a post, turn those photos into a recipe.🍴

💙 Schedule posts using Streemian. It has other great features too, for a guide on setup see here.

💜 Don't be afraid of smaller posts! Post a picture of your dog or something funny that happened to you that day, it might make someone smile! 🌈

💖 Try new things. Never posted a recipe? a poem? a photo? try it! Steemit is all about experimentation and finding what works for you. Search for competitions, they might give you a good idea on something to create, like making your own meme or writing a story! 📝

💛 Be inspired by others! Read others content, engage, watch videos, and more and more ideas will start to pop into your head!

Obviously, life gets in the way sometimes! But I am looking forward to my next day off to get inspired and create some new posts! 😊

How do you guys manage to post daily content? Or do you find it a struggle as well sometimes to keep up on Steemit? Let me know in the comments! 😍

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