Apple iphones and Macbook Amazing Facts or Secrets

Secrets Of Apple Product's
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Hello dear steemit friends how are you all hope doing great and healthy in your life.Today we will learn about the secret of your iphone or macbook, Friends, we are glad to use Apple's product,But the question arises, do we know all the secrets of Apple iphones,So today we will explore these secrets.

Friends, you know Apple earns more than Facebook, YouTube, and Google in every year,Apple is not a phone, but if you have Apple's phone then let me tell you !!
You have a gold and silver box too.!

Yes guys, if you hold the phone of Apple, then you understand that you hold a gold and silver box, Actually friends in every iphone .34 Gm gold and .34 Gm is silver, Which helps in completing the iPhone's circuit,So if you have a iphone in your hand then you can understand that you have caught gold and silver along with the iPhone's.

Friends are the second largest fact that " If you live in America and are using Apple's computer , So this information is going to be very beneficial for you,Because this information is associated with the warranty of Apple Computer,Friends, let me tell you if you live in America and are smoking near your Apple computer, Apple will not give you the warranty of Apple Computer, So if you do this then you will lose your Apple computer's warranty.


Friends, the third fact I'm going to tell you , We all know about it already But we never pay attention to this fact,Friends !! you have always seen Apple's ads of different Apple phones, But did you ever notice that !! That which is shown in Apple's phone ads, Why is it always 9.41 time,Now why is it shown at the time 9.41 , No one knows about it !! except Apple.


Friends, do you know the Apple MacBook's Battery which can save you from all kinds of bullets,Yes guys, you heard absolutely right,Apple's MacBook's battery is fully bullet-proof.

Friends, do you know Apple's CEO, to every Apple's Employee do emails at 4.30 a.m. in the morning,If an employee does not respond to that email, then he has to lose his job.

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Post by @hanishsharma
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