In order to find solutions to problems in Myanmar, 2018

In order to find solutions to problems in Myanmar, 2018

Security Council meeting
Emphasis on safe return of Rohingyas
Praise of Bangladesh by providing refuge to Rohingya
The Security Council said the international community is beside Bangladesh.
UN Security Council yesterday expressed concern over the situation in Rakhine for sending Rohingya back to Myanmar. Speakers at the Security Council meeting said that the problem started in Myanmar, the solution would be to find it there. The Security Council appreciated Bangladesh's role in providing shelter to Rohingyas, saying the international community is beside Bangladesh.

President of the Security Council and Kuwait's permanent representative in the United Nations Mansour Al-Otawi presided over the meeting. The United Nations Refugee Organization (UNHCR) joined the meeting via video link from Filippo Grandi Amman, head of the United States. He said the situation in the Rakhine state is still not favorable for the return of refugees. Although 680,000 Rohingyas have taken refuge in Bangladesh, it is not enough for both Bangladesh and the international community to take as much action as possible.

Referring to the safe and respectful return to the Rohingyas, Philip Grande said, "When will they return, only Rohingya will decide." Therefore, Myanmar must take action to normalize the situation in Rakhine state.

Filippo Grandy urged the Security Council to stop the efforts of the State to stop the violent atrocities, displacements, and their state-wide stance against the Rohingyas.

At the start of the meeting, Assistant Vice-Chancellor of the United Nations, Miroslav Yencha, described the situation in Rohingya, saying that Rohingya refugees from Bangladesh have not stopped taking refuge in Rohingyas because of the situation in the Rakhine state. Yet many Rohingyas are taking refuge on the other side of the border. The question of citizenship of the community in the center of the Rohingya problem lies in the question. The situation will not improve until the question is resolved.

Britain's acting permanent representative Jonathan Allen said that last week, UK Foreign Minister Boris Johnson reminded the country's responsibility of creating the situation in Burma's meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. What has happened to Rohingyas is the nation's elimination campaign It is only possible for Myanmar to change this situation. He praised Bangladesh's role and said the United Kingdom is with Bangladesh.

France's Permanent Representative in France, Francois Delakhate, said in a report published in Reuters on the killing of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, charges of crimes against humanity could be brought.

However, Zhaozu, the permanent representative of China, remarked that the situation in the Rakhine state had marked improvement. However, accepting the return of the Rohingyas is not very favorable, he advised Bangladesh to be patient.

United States permanent representative Niki Halley said the Myanmar authorities are controlling access to international media representatives to keep what is happening in Rakhine state. The world is waiting for the progress of the situation. The Security Council has failed to solve this problem. He urged the council to recognize responsibility without any excuse to solve the problem.

Russia's deputy-permanent representative Eugenie Jagainov said that Rakhine's situation has improved remarkably. Those who have described the events as special, and are reporting conflicting reports, they are only delaying the solution of the problem. Bangladesh and Myanmar will have to take steps to solve it in a bilateral manner.

Myanmar representative said that important steps have already been taken to improve the situation of Rakhine. Referring to Reuters reports of genocide, he said that 16 people, including members of the security forces, were arrested after investigating the matter. The current situation in Rakhine state is not religious because of it. The Myanmar government has taken measures only to prevent the activities of terrorist groups.

The last speaker of the meeting was Bangladesh's permanent representative Masud bin Momen in the United Nations. He said Rohingyas are taking shelter in Bangladesh every day because of continuing violence in Rakhine. Despite the bilateral agreement between Bangladesh and Myanmar in the rehabilitation of Rohingya, no effective progress has been achieved. The Rohingyas are still under the tremendous scope. They are interested to go back, but if they go back, they want the guarantee. They want to return to their villages and homes, not in any temporary camp. Expressing gratitude for the support of the international community for the welfare of Rohingyas, she said that the continuous involvement of the international community for the permanent solution of the problem is very important. The Security Council can play the role of the caretaker of the international community in this regard.

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