TRUTH about STEEMIT every one should know. (Also revealing upvote bots profitability result)

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Hi All

This is Prashant. Welcome to this Post. I hope you are doing great.

I have given this post a lot of time to create.
So I request my readers to please spend some time on this post. I bet this post will be worth your time.

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Below are the things that I want to talk about in this post.

  1. I am going to tell you about a website through which you can see how much a post really earns and you can do it for any post in this steemit world. Have you ever wondered how these $1000+ post actually earn. Now you can see the real things that was hidden behind this gimmick.

  2. I will tell you about my experience of using bots on my last post which made me earn 130 SBD (At the time of creating this post) . I’ll show you in detail how much profit I made on each bots (of course no loss).

  3. I will stress upon some of the points on upvote bots that I mentioned on my last two post, which was missed out by quite a few people.


Let's get started

Before I begin, let me talk about steemit, which we all get attracted to it, primarily you see people making hundreds of dollars in a single post. But in reality the major amount goes to bots. If you think that you can earn such money or even close to that without the help of bots, then I will say think again. That’s nearly impossible unless you are friends with whales or a renowned person. (Even they need bots)

I don’t want to get into ethical dilemma if using bots is right or wrong. We all have our views and we should respect each others view. I know few people who in steemit are not for money but to share their thoughts and writeups and I respect that. But even a writer need readers and a little exposure now and then is not bad.


Before you go further, I Suggest you read these two post (Post 1 & Post 2) as it will make a lot of sense in understanding what's next in store for you.

So the website I was talking about is (some of you may know about this). On this website you can see a lot of statistics. You can look up anyone's profile, using this you can do a lot of analysis and learn from others.

So keep reading as I tell you how to access the website.

Just add your or anyone user id in place of mine

For display I will show my profile as it will not look good if I talk about someone else profile as an example. But you can see any one’s profile even mine.

Now if you go to this website and scroll down you will see the recent post section. Click any of the post for which you want to see the statistics.

There are 3 important tabs you should be looking at are - Votes, Summary and transfers
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Votes Tab

Let have a look at Votes tab first.
These screen shots are self-explanatory.
The left highlighted part are the bots i used and on the right side are their upvote value (in SBD)![]

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Summary Tab

This is the most important tab.


Transfers Tab

This tab shows all the transfer made to bots for that post.
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The reason I wanted to show this website is to make you able to see, how a particular post made that kind of money.


Now let’s talk about my return on investment on my last post.

Below I summarised all the bots I used and their upvote value along with the profit from each.
(The figures may change slightly at the time of your reading.)

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I timed the Rocky1 bid well because of that I got upvoted around 17 min from posting, that increased my author rewards.
For beginners who want to bid with small amount, they can try OceanWhale there minimum is 0.1 SBD. But most of the time there current round is already full, so most likely you will get upvote in the next round.


An Important thing about Steemit that people seems to miss

There is one important point I made in one of the previous post under "things to consider for upvote bots" that many people seems to miss. I want to stress upon it one more time.
In steemit whatever a post earn doesn't matter how, gets divided into 50% SBD and 50% Steem Power(SP). And it takes 13 instalment (1 instalment each week) for anyone to withdraw. That's 13 weeks.


Message for my readers

Please post any question in comments section, I always reply all the questions within few hrs. Thank you for reading my post. I hope this post will help you to be successful in steemit.

Prashant Jaiswal aka @guggis

Also please go trough my previous post that I am proud of.
How to find the BEST upvote bot for better ROI on your Steemit post [MUST READ]
Are the upvoting bots profitable?

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