2018-02-22: Compelled to Create

Shallow Thoughts

This is a giraffe:


At some point last year, my 7-year-old daughter felt compelled to create a giraffe, so she asked us to look up a picture of a giraffe on the internet, and she drew and colored this. If you look closely, you'll see that while she created it, she couldn't be bothered to finish coloring in half of the face. I keep this giraffe hanging next to my office desk for 2 reasons:

  1. I love my daughter, so I'm biologically tricked into thinking everything she does is wonderful
  2. It's a good reminder of how hard it is to persist to the final state when creating something

Deep Thoughts

I've seen quite a few posts on #steemit during my time here where people are airing their frustrations over the reaction that a particular post receives from the community. To anyone out there who has ever felt that way, I feel your pain, and there's only one thing to keep in mind:

Post because you feel compelled to create.

My kids write and draw and build with Lego for hours on end because they (a) want to create something and (b) want to share that something with someone. Two of my jobs as a parent are to provide that medium for creation and to become that receptive audience. Just because we grow up doesn't mean we lose that desire to create and share, which is why a platform like steem has so much potential. Unfortunately, as adults we tend to focus on getting some kind of return for time invested. Just remember that you are creating and posting here to satisfy your own irrepressible compulsion to create something, regardless of how well or poorly it is received. If you can maintain that mindset, then the act of creation will always be pure joy.

Bonus Thoughts

This evening the 7-year-old that created the giraffe started working on the org chart for "Health Company":


While I'm very happy she has created a company with the motto "Sleep! Eat! Exercise!", part of me is worried that I've created a monster ;-P

Daily Stats

Cash: 13.3%
Core: 74.8%
Explore: 11.9%
Workout: Kenzai Kettlebell Day 11 + 15min dog walk (too much rain!)
Alcohol: None
Supplements: Zinc 30mg, Magnesium 450mg
Sleep: midnight to 6:45am, broken, but rested


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