I made my first dollar in 3 days. Indians don't miss this way of making money

If you are an Indian who is in your early 20’s or 30’s you are probably not someone new to social media or its usage. That makes you the audience of this post. If you are someone who has worked a bit in the software industry you will have also known by now that “Content is Money.” Yeah you are reading it right, Content is money friends. Everything ranging from a fantasy love story that runs in your mind to a scientific research article on steam cell technology is content. A review of a product that you recently bought on amazon to a food that you tried in a local restaurant is content as well. But all these days the companies that run businesses made you scapegoats by asking to write them on their websites without really offering you anything, while they were happy of freely publicizing the content or the product that they marketed.

But the winds have changed now.

STEEEMIT it is!!
Well all these free marketing content writing is going to take a backseat sooner or later because steemit is here. Following the path of the cryptocurrency outburst from the early 2009’s, Steemit is a new social media platform where everyone gets paid to post online. Yes you are reading it right, you get paid for everything that you post and write. Sounds interesting??
Well this company was founded in early 2016 by Ned Scott and Daniel Larimer. You can get more details about their history in various articles on steemit. I won’t bore you with the same old wine in new bottle.
Steemit is powered by blockchain technology and uses a new cryptocurrency to reward users who upload articles, images, commentary, etc. Other ways users can get paid is through sourcing and up-voting popular content. The earlier a person up-votes a post that becomes popular, the more is the reward. Users are paid half in 'Steem Power' (a vesting currency) and half in Steem Dollars, which can be exchanged for US Dollars.

Now the important part, the title of the article reads Indians right!! I will touch upon that here.

It took me just 3 days and one simple article to make my first dollar in steemit.!!

How about that. I didn’t write anything on rocket science. Neither did I post a porn video. I just wrote my heart out in simple 300 word article. And I made 2 dollars out of it. It is good money right?
Here is your guide on how could you get your first dollar or make many more dollars.

  1. Make a steemit account!! That is the first lock that needs to be unlocked
  2. Once you open an account follow the popular guys. I don’t consider myself a lot popular but yeah you can start by following me
  3. Talk to people. Create an account in steemit.chat and join groups and conversations. We have our own group called the “Readoo_promotes” https://steemit.chat/channel/Readoo_Promotes
  4. Make groups, and friends and ask them to upvote your content and return the favor to them by upvoting their content as well.
  5. Comment and comment and comment!!! Did you know that you could make some money if you just comment!! Oh yeah, if the person whose article you are commenting on is already popular and people like your comments you have some access to easy money. And more money means more steem power and more steem power makes you more powerful and popular.
  6. Content: Any useful content is money. It could be a cookery video where you cook something, or a book review. It could be as complicated as trying to explain the concept of blockchain and public key. You could write a love story, post a picture that you took in a vacation, or literally any damn thing on earth that sounds interesting to you.
  7. Crowd funding to good work : You have dreams of making this world a better place? Write it on steemit!! If people like your idea you will make it happen with the money that their upvotes bring you

This should get you started!! Lets all make some money right??


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