I'm Losing Confidence in Steemit. Can Someone Fix This Shit??? (Rant)


See that piece of shit car pic? That's Steemit broke down and abondoned on the side of the road.

It's been weeks now and the site is still not functioning properly. When I finish this rant and hit post this whole goddam thing may disappear!?!

I hope you try to upvote this post but we all know that friggin circle may spin around endlessly and not even work..

You could also try to comment and tell me to stop being so negative but that may not post either..I wouldn't blame anyone if they didn't even bother trying, it's frustrating as shit!

This has been going on for 3 weeks now! Fuck!!!

What's more frustrating than not being able to properly use the main site is noone's really updating us on the situation.

I did see @ned create a post a few days ago with 10 words being vague and just saying they're "working" on it. It's not working @ned!

The next day there's another more detailed post from him and the "team" about to debut a new logo. Great a new logo for our same broke down piece of shit website 👍😎

Fact is this is disastrous if we're trying to bring new people on board and create growth. No new user is going to wait 5 mins for a comment to load, then back out and try again just to see the old comment is now posted but the upvote button is still swirling around. It's a joke

Steem price is falling..is anyone going to invest with confidence when the whole dam website's been crippled for just about a month now?

This is bad for everyone involved. I'm already seeing less traffic and engagement on Steemit. I'd consider myself a hard core user and I'm wondering if this is even worth the frustration?

Every day that goes by with Steemit still broken I'm losing more faith in the platform and people in charge of making sure it runs smoothly.

If I'm thinking about giving up are casual users going to continue to log on? I doubt it.

When I do complain people are always quick to offer up a few mirrors to the main site..that's great but it's no excuse for the fact noones doing anything to fix the issues we're having. Can we atleast get a proper update on the situation???

Ok that's about enough, I feel a bit better getting this off my chest but I'm logging off now and I won't be back. I'll try again tomorrow but I have no faith it'll be working then either..

*Please resteem this if your tired of this like I am and maybe some important people will see it and answer our questions?
*The resteem button still works :)

Car pic credit: depositphotos

Thanks for listening,

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