How To Get Noticed on Steemit (6 Rules to Find Success)


Congratulations, you found my blog. In this post I'll detail the tricks I've utilized to carve out a niche for myself here on Steemit. Grab a pen..people still use pens don't they?..anyways..moving on..

In the endless sea of Steemit minnows, only a few lucky survivors will make it out of the school of fish to thrive on this social platform. The rest will flounder and probably end up chum, or beach themselves on the shores only to become lunch for hungry crabs or birds..or maybe some other predator I don't even know about yet?

Credit: deviantart

Here are some of the qualities that will help you get noticed..

Rule #1 Have Passion

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Credit: thetelegraph

If you don't have passion for what you do it will show and people won't take interest in you or your blog. I throw myself into my work and I think it shows! I've hand drawn dicks, spent numerous hours scouring the internet for disgusting People of Walmart to make fun of, I've also written thrilling stories that have reverberated through the echo chamber that is this site. You can feel my passion and it probably wouldn't surprise you to know that most of the time when I compose a post, I do it with an erection.

Rule #2 Get Social


To have people take interest in you, you have to put in the work. The network. Visit other people's posts and leave comments. Not the "nice post" or "I'm following you now follow me" type. We hate those, infact we won't upvote those or visit your site at all when you say that. Be a regular on blogs you enjoy and get yourself noticed. Steemit is a two way street, if you visit my blog and I see you around I'll most likely check out your blog too. If I genuinely enjoy what you do you'll get me as a follower. Also if you send me money that's another great way to get me on board. Make the checks out to Mr. Big Dong III.

Rule #3 Use Nice Pictures


Your title and your pictures are crucial to engaging your audience quickly. You want to interest users and pull them in to your posts. Also, the first couple of sentences of your post will be displayed in the menu so keep that in mind aswell. I try to start mine off positively because people enjoy that, once they're in that's when I disappoint them with my content. Sometimes they'll feel bad for me and leave me upvotes. You have to find what works for you.

Rule #4 Upvote Good Comments

Credit: mymancrush

If people take the time to leave you insightful comments you should reward them with an upvote. Even if nominal it's just a nice thing to do. They'll see you did it and it has a psychological effect on them, it's like saying "thanks for caring enough to engage me." If you're low power you could just reply and thank them for stopping by. I reply to every comment I recieve because I don't have much going on in my life. I'm also dying for any kind of affection.

Rule #5 Positively Impact the Community


This ones important to me. I want to see the people I follow helping out others thus helping out the platform. If that means curating minnows, raising money for charity or just telling others about Steemit, that's enough. We're all ambassadors for this site and while I maybe a rotten person in real life, online I try to be helpful as I can. Sure alot of my content is low brow/just bad, but I think I conduct myself with a bit of class and try to impact the site in my own way.. thus adding a smidgen of value.

Rule #6 Never Get High on Your Own Supply

Credit: theirishtimes

How are you ever going to make money if you're smoking all the product you're supposed to sell? Any dealer with a dam knows this is not the way to stack a profit! Now you're saying, "@goldenarms, what's that have to do with blogging?" Well stupid I'll tell you, nothing. It's just a good rule if you ever wanted to sell drugs. You see this blog is a wealth of knowledge so take a little bit of what I'm telling you here today and use it for your own benefit. This is Rule #5 I'm illustrating here, providing worth.

So that's it really. Follow these rules and you too can reach rep level 61 in less than 5 months. You could also wield the incredible power of 8 cent upvotes and ofcourse the respect of everyone else on the site.. 😎


Class dismissed,


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