See How Your Steemit Posts Are Doing with

Would you like to know where you can see all the stats for your recent Steemit posts because this will help you understand what is going on for each of them?

See How Your Steemit Posts Are Doing with

The tool I use is and you can access your account's stats just by replacing my username by yours at the end of the URL. It is built with ♥ by @steemchiller.

With this tool you can also see all the stats for posts made by others if you use their username.

I wrote a post about two weeks ago showing you an overview of the tool, and that you might be interested to read: Monitor All your Steem Stats with

See How Your Steemit Posts Are Doing with

The section that we are going to look at today is the "Recent Posts" section. Posts are listed 5 at a time, the most recent at the top. - Recent posts

If you want to see more posts, just click "Show more results" and this will show you 5 more. Notice that the posts that have not received their rewards and younger than seven days are in blue, while the posts that have been paid out are in black. - Recent posts

When you click on "Show more results" you can go see older posts like this one from 44 days ago. - Recent posts

Let's have a look at a recent post: 5 More Markdown Codes to Learn Today!

The first tab "Summary" shows you very important information. - Recent posts

You can see when the post was created precisely and the payout time.

Then, you can see the pending payout breakdown, which is an estimate:

$ 39.248 ( ~ 5.279 SP, 14.914 SBD | 49.60 USD )

Note that the value showing on the post is $39.248, payment will be made 50% in SP and 50% in SBD, and the estimated value in US dollars is $49.60.

Many people are confused about rewards calculations and this can clear everything up.

You might be interested to read this post: Understanding Author Rewards Calculations

Then, you have the transfer amount, which is what you have sent to the bots.

In this case, I sent 20 SBD or (19.999 SBD) to bots and I will get back only 14.914 SBD, which shows that using the bots was not profitable if I only count the SBD. If I take into account the SP and SBD, then I didn't lose anything, and the post still have time to get more upvotes.

You then have the link of the post that is clickable.

There is another section under the "Summary" tab showing your tags and links that are all clickable, and this is very useful if you want to see the trending page for one of your tag, for example. - Recent posts

Then it shows that this post was created on Steemit and in the Markdown format.

The second tab is for "Votes" and you can see that there are 48 votes on this post. - Recent posts

You can see who are the users who upvoted you, with what vote weight and how it translates in USD.

I have framed in red the votes that are worth some money and there are only 14. This means that 34 votes are just worth $0.

When you see this data, you can understand better what is wrong with Steemit.

A user that votes for you at 100% weight and gives you $0 is likely to be a new user with low SP.

A user that votes for you at 1.37% weight and still gives you $0 is a user who certainly has SP and decided to vote on more posts and share rewards with more users. - Recent posts

I don't want to shame users that vote and give you $0, but if everyone was monitoring more closely their voting power, and the rewards they are really giving, then their votes would be more useful to others.

If every vote was at least $0.01 for everyone, this would make a real difference for Steemit users and we would see better growth and fewer people quitting.

I personally limit the votes I do so authors I support get something and all people who comment on my posts also get something.

When you hover your mouse on each voter, you can see when it was upvoted after publishing the post. The pie chart also gives you values as you hover on the different colors. - Recent posts

The next tab is for "Images."

I have 2 images in this post, and if you have more, you may want to use the slider and reduce the 45% to less. - Recent posts

The next tab is for "Replies."

You can see replies by others and yours. You can see the date and time they were made and the upvote they got. Clicking on "Show Comment" will open the comment on Steemit. - Recent posts

You can select a user from the menu and see their comments. - Recent posts

You can also search with a keyword! - Recent posts

The next tab "Resteem" is also very useful because you can see how many people have resteemed the post and who they are. - Recent posts

Thank you to @angelbless, @imran-aslam and @stevekay for resteeming my post.

The last tab is "Transfers" and that's for the transactions related to the post. - Recent posts

I used 20 SBD to promote the posts and you can see the breakdown for each post. @buildawhale sent a memo with 0.001 SBD back and it's why the total I paid is 19.999 SBD.

That's all for today!

I hope that you have found this post useful and that you will check out on how your posts are doing.

Would you upvote this post and follow me for more because this will encourage me to write more posts about Steemit tools like this one?

Would you please help @jerrybanfield become a top 20 witness because you can help funding projects to build Steem as explained here? Vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at Read the 5 reasons why I'm voting for Jerry Banfield as a witness and how to vote in my post.

Michel Gerard

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