Relationships and Careers


I'll start with a question.
Do you think it's best to start building a career with a partner by your side or could they turn out to be a distraction?

You know I always write about my conversations with people around me. Lol. This is because I feel human interaction tells us a lot about the world.

So i was having a conversation with a friend about relationships and career goals. He was of the opinion that building a career with a partner by your side was the best way to, while I am of the opinion that a partner is not a necessity when it comes to building a career because they could turn out to be a distraction.

Distraction : A thing that prevents someone from concentrating on something else.
Relationship : Interpersonal relationship, having strong deep connections. (I'm talking about the type that is driven by love).

Why do I feel it would be a distraction? I'll tell you
When we first fall in love, all we want to do is be with that person and when we are physically not around them, we have them in our heads. We sit and think about their laughter, the echo of their voice, the way they smell and all of that and we fail to concentrate on our own selves.


Loving someone is a selfless act in which we can loose ourselves if we are not cautious.
What do you think? Is relationship a distraction from your career? Please give a reason for your answers 😘😘

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