
Hello Steemians !!!

Here is my thought of the future of cryptocurrencies.

Remembering the dot com era, everyone invested in them without knowing what potential profit they could leave behind. Everyone wanted to become a millionaire from one day to the next. A bubble formed around them and both individuals and investment funds left their money thinking about getting rich.

As you know, when time came to them to demonstrate their potential to generate profits, the bubble exploded in the air leaving investors with fabulous losses.

But dot com companies did not disappear. They were only depurated. Only those who had a good backup project survived. A good business plan and a good execution of it.

Bubbles are repetitive because that is the nature of the human being. Everyone wants to become millionaires. The human being is ambitious.

Cryptocurrencies are one more bubble. Behind the Bitcoin, countless coins and tokens have come out and they have opened their corresponding ICOs to raise money (in this case even worse than in the dot com since they do not receive rights for the investment, it works more like a donation). Everyone is betting on whatever project comes out, simply speculating that the price will go up and get a difference no matter what it is.

During year 2017 multiple companies opened their ICOSs around ideas (some very utopian) that have promised in their roadmap to be concreted during year 2018 and part of 2019.

My opinion is that this bubble will start to deflate by the end of this year 2018 simply because most of the ideas are going to remain in ideas. Those who bet will have a number of cryptocurrencies of different colors and shapes that will become part of a collection.

But cryptocurrencies are not going to disappear. They are going to be depurated. Those who have a serious and feasible project will survive. Not only this, but the use will expand to other directions such as governments replacing their banknotes by cryptocurrencies that will allow them to lower management costs as well as control inflation and the fiscal deficit.

By the end of third quarter of this year 2018 we must be very careful in which currencies one is positioned to get rid of them quickly before they fall. Because when they fall they will make a lot of noise.

I hope you enjoyed this article and all comments are welcome.


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