A Return From Hiatus

pexels-photo-274778.jpgWith Christmas around the corner, I have finally found the time to return to Steemit. My absence was due to a multitude of different reasons, but one of the most time-consuming reasons has been my involvement in the blockchain startup Team Orbis as co-founder.
As the looming holidays have given me some spare time, I thought I would take a moment to describe what I have been up to and give you a heads up on what's to come.

Within Team Orbis I am officially in charge of marketing and networking, but have been picking up a lot of the slack to keep the ball rolling. Without going into specifics, I am currently co-authoring the white-paper, organizing and structuring team meetings as well as fulfilling my regular duties by developing marketing strategies and conducting market research. Coupled with Uni this has drastically reduced the time I have available for my Steemit blog. However, it's been a great learning experience and a real pleasure being involved in this project and my fantastic team, despite the free time it eats up.

While I plan to post on my personal involvement in the @gentbynature blog, I will also be posting about the steps we go through as a young startup in our official blog @teamorbis. If you're interested in being part of our journey head over there and follow us. Our web-presence is still very much in it's infancy and we are currently working on getting everything up and running. There's a number of things in the pipeline for the new year and I wish all of you happy holidays until then.
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