100 Followers! A Big THANK YOU to all you wonderful STEEMIANS!



I would like to start out by stating how grateful I am to this community as a whole. Since day one I was welcomed with open arms and really made to feel at home. I am particularly happy about the overwhelming positivity in this community and how all the comments I received were productive and helpful. During my short time here, I have met many new people and have enjoyed reading other peoples posts just as much as I enjoyed creating my own. As somebody who came to this platform with a failed background in blogging, I was not expecting much, but seeing the number of followers rise to 100 and realising that people actually enjoyed reading what I write, has immensely boosted my confidence both in my writing and in Steemit as a whole.


It's time to mention a few people in who have really helped make me feel appreciated and fueled my initial confidence and growth. I am especially grateful for the support you showed me, the wonderful conversations we had and the fact that you allowed me to enjoy Steemit from the moment I joined. So in no particular order:

@pandamama: From the day I introduced myself you made me feel welcome and you have consistently shown your support. By pushing me to explore new areas of Steemit you have helped me take a leap or two and discover new and wonderful things.

@mk40 from the @OCD project: I would never have dreamed of being nominated for my first real post. The overwhelming support I received for that post alone has fueled my confidence in this platform and my writing. The work you are doing is truly inspirational and I believe you are making great strides in helping everyone realise their full potential on this platform.

@deterrencepolicy: Our endless conversations across time zones and from one end of the world to another gave me great joy. Who would have thought a simple comment would turn into a multi page conversation? Thank you for keeping me awake while I waited for a message from Australia and allowing our endless discussions to grow into such a fruitful exchange. I hope we will have many more of them and look forward to seeing how your blog develops.

@mountainwashere: As you know, I regularly enjoyed seeing your book reviews pop up on my feed. From the beginning, you have shown me how Steemit is not just a platform for creating your own content but also for consuming other peoples content and how that can be thoroughly enjoyable on a day to day basis. I hope I will get back to my daily rythm soon and you will still be pumping out book reviews for me to read.

@racing-richard and @patze: Thank you for putting up with my endless chatter about how great Steemit is and finally joining me on this platform. It's been great to see you here and it has been such a pleasure seeing you enjoy yourselves as much as I have.

I'm still here

Finally, I would like to take a moment to apologise to my followers for last weeks inactivity. Sadly, I have been bogged down with a huge amount of work, as I am currently in the middle of my exams and slightly underestimated the amount of time Steemit takes out of my day. I set high standards when it comes to my posts and I try to provide good quality whilst answering all your comments. Simply writing my "Heroes of Photography Weekly" takes about 3-4 hours of research, writing and proofreading before I feel comfortable releasing it. Having committed myself to this platform, I do feel a responsibility to regularly provide good content so I can be a contributing factor to the growth of what I believe is a revolutionary step in social media interaction. So rest assured I will be back to full strength when my exams end in 2 weeks. Until then I am doing my best to stay active.


I look forward to seeing you soon and for your patience, I will reward you with a little fun fact about myself: Up until half a year ago I was rocking some pretty badass dreads but got tired of them after 7,5 years so I chopped them off. Let me know what you think in the comments:

Follow me @gentbynature and leave a comment to let me know who you are. I love getting to know the people who read my posts!

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