Let's Stop Kicking the Dog - This is Why Steemit Sucks.

Lately there are a whole ton of posts complaining about Steemit and how it sucks and boo-hoo and hoo-boo and the ultimate long-time running famous line - I QUIT

Yup - Your not the first, last, or even a special 100th, 1000th, or millionth user to do this.
So, to be perfectly blunt - Your not special, it won't get you noticed, and most importantly - NO BODY CARES

That is right. It would probably be very helpful if we all said this together... So lets take a moment and recite this line for the sake of the Fuck-it's. It's not like you have anything better going on, so yeah, lets give it a try.




It hurts when you expect certain people to care and they honestly don't give a fuck.

Which, in all aspects, is a great starting point to get some understanding here. It starts with disappointment.
The way Steemit is set up, there will always be disappointment. It is unavoidable.

The reason there will be let-downs is this Unrealistic expectation everyone has when they first come here and start their journey down the Steemit rabbit hole is simple.
It's so simple.

It's why I do a face-palm every time a read a post complaining...


I have said this multiple times before and I will say it again.

MONEY is the root of all of Steemits problems and successes.

But it's not just money, cause money is everywhere. You obviously don't need Steemit to get money, but you do need Steemit to get that extra dollar.

  • You were sucked into Steemit by the all-mighty dollar
  • That is why your here... That's why we are all here.
  • A fucking Dollar!

The barrier to entry to Steemit and making that dollar is 0. Nothing. Nada. Non-existent.
There is no barrier.
Anyone's Grandma can come to Steemit and make a post about there dog humping another dog and


It just so happens @berniesanders loves humping dogs and your fucked up posting made MONEY!!!

Try making that same dollar on Facebook...
Personal Website blog?

Anywhere else besides Steemit!!!
100% guarunteed your not getting a dollar.


And that was, is, and probably always will be the motivation for people coming to Steemit.

I'm going to just say it. Maybe it's true, maybe i'm exaggerating or being dramatic though I'm sure it's not too far off.

  • 99% + of people visiting Steemit are trying to make "EASY" money
  • Nobody comes here ONLY for content

Being that Steemit is a content creation/ blogging platform - It's kind-of hard when EVERYONE is here to make content and NOBODY is here to just view it.
The vast majority of users on any other social media/ networking/ blogging platform are there to CONSUME the content, not create it.

Steemit has a consumer base trending near 0

When the water has all boiled out of the pot, that burnt shit sticking to the bottom of the pan is what we are left with.

You, Me, and Grandma just want our Dollar...

Right now - That Dollar is hard to come by

Right Now - Steemit isn't "EASY" Money

And Right Now - That is why Steemit Sucks...

It's a Job now.

Jobs Suck.

That's about all I have to say about that...
I'm not proposing any solutions at all this is just a simply way of saying...

~Keep on - Steemin' on~

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