South America convulses.

Difficult times are lived, times of social turmoil, the news of the world quickly review what is happening in our continent, today Latin America is reeling from the growing conflicts in the different countries that make up its geography.


From the northern part to the south, starting with the political and social crisis in Venezuela, a crisis that has caused the greatest exodus of Venezuelans recorded our homeland history, through the corruption scandals in Brazil, the protests that have caused Colombia the government implements curfew in some cities of the country including Bogota, the protests in Chile that have been taking some time and that has taken the lives of many people.

What to say about Bolivia and the resignation of President Evo Morales accused of winning the elections for electoral fraud, a situation that led him to request political asylum in Mexico, where he is at the moment, today the protests in this South American country do not stop and the fallen in the middle of the protests are counted by tens.


What is happening in South America? Why are people mutiny?

I would like to be able to read your analysis of this situation, which effect I dominate, is affecting the entire region, in a behavior similar to that shown by the Middle Eastern countries in the so-called Arab Spring, which unleashed several conflicts in these countries.

Perhaps what we are experiencing is a consequence of a world economic crisis that is underway, or we must attribute this behavior to the governmental political malpractice of men who use power irresponsibly and fraudulently, putting whole countries in check, moved by some kind of ideology in particular that many times insist on introducing in a forced way.

Whatever the origin of this matter, I believe that we must pay attention to everything that happens on this side of the world because perhaps you can be a consequence of the collapse of the world economy, where the most vulnerable countries suffer the worst consequences.


Perhaps for us now it is very difficult to predict what will happen in the near future, what I dare to say is that the governments of our area must radically change their populist economic policies to implement measures that generate wealth to our nations, investments that generate dividends and not continue to depend exclusively on our natural resources.

It is necessary to invest in education, in industry, to bet heavily on agriculture, to technify the fields, to invest in scientific research to improve economic performance, so that our peoples have quality of life, jobs that allow them to have a decent purchasing power , that there are opportunities for entrepreneurs etc, etc, etc.

Friends let me know your opinion about this issue that is affecting our countries .

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