I have steem dollars now what?

My steemIt account has some steem dollars accumulating and now I'm thinking...

"I have steem dollars now what?"

Logical I guess, but I'm sort of doing the lazy man's way through SteemIt. I like to travel but since I've committed the next four months to a better life before I bounce I've got a lot to do.

I also want to make SteemIt a 'part' of my life. Not the whole thing.

And then there's days like today, and yesterday and the day before where you can't help but enjoy a little steem.

I like reading the stuff! I like reading the stuff my followers' post. When I first came on here I didn't pay much attention to the header (Or what I call the SteemIt Business Card) until the numbers started changing.


And then there was the excitement of the first deposit.


And now I'm checking out what to do with it.

Should I save it?

Should buy steem?

What's this STEEM DOLLARS stuff?

Well, you know the answers to these questions are easy enough to find. You can do like I did and ask the experts with your questions like...

"I have steem dollars now what?"

...on Google Search which of course pointed me right back to the SteemIt community. And guess what...

Let's give these folks the upvote!...

Yeah, the answers to my questions were right here. Fascinating, if you want to sit and ponder it but here's an easier way since you're here;

Last year @kenny-crane posted,

"What should I do with my Steem Dollars and Steem Power?"


4 months ago @kevinwong posted:

Why Should You Consider Accumulating Steem Power?


and then @jetiknight did this video that explains how to convert Steem Dollars to Steem Power (which is what I did.)

Now I just have to do it again...



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