Dan Down

It is a bit of a shock to any system when one of the Captains of the whole shebang packs his bags and hits the road.

It's not a first for Dan as far as I know. The guy is, (as far as I have read) a compulsive Start-up Guru and then moves on.

Nothing wrong with that. It's what makes our world tick I suppose.
I have had no dealings with Dan or Ned. I believe Bernie-Sanders up voted me once or twice.

But for the most I am like most of the bloggers on this, very unique Blogchain.

I earn a few cents here and there. Some times I make a breakout and hit $3 plus.
My last Post was undervalued by $1.47 according to screenname which shocked me.
As I have never been on their Radar for any of my posts.


I have never written any post for Ned or Dan or for the benefit or endorsement of any of the Whales/Fraggles on the Steemit platform.
So I was not in any way effected by the total fuckup of, "The Experiment."

I know most of the Nerds/Geeks on this Platform are very young and very smart.
But my friends, the world is not perfect and Steemit will not be perfect in one or even two forks.

I have never seen Steemit as a Cryptocurrency or even some sort of money token.

There will never be ATM's were you can pay with Steem or Steem Dollars or Steem Solar Credits;d~

Steemit value, as a stake, will always be pegged to Bitcoin or Dash or who ever is the big Crypto rampaging bully on the block.

What these Cryptocurrencies do not have is an outlet to discuss themselves.

People love talking about themselves and the Cryptocurrency crowd, are the biggest love-in crowd on the Interwebs.

They need a Steemit Blogchain more than Steemit needs them.
Where else would you get a conversation about Bitcoin or Dash,
Ethereum and Donkey memes, on a Blockchain with Uber geeks and very normal people.
And the unique part, Steemit is paying the authors for this interaction.

For the first time since Satoshi done a Harry Houdini.
Normal Joe Soaps can experience just what a Blockchain is.
What it means, how it feels, how it works.
They can Post pictures of their Cats and up-vote on a post about the viability of the next Cryptocurrency hard-fork.
They can listen and learn. They can be contenders.

Steemit has become a community that can explain to the mainstream and itself.
Just what a Blockchain means. Just what a Blockchain is.

And there is a great community value in this.
There is no Goldit Blog, paying their users in a Goldchain currency.

Bitcoin want more buyers, Dash want more investors,
Ethereum want more potential business partners to understand, get their small brains around, just what they are selling.

Steemit can be that Bridge, that Deep-Space Nine Wormhole Space Station, to the outsider's trying desperately to get it.
To get some understanding as to what it all means.


Steemit can become the Apple/Microsoft/Google of the Cryptoconcurrencies world.
The real value lies in the community with Steem Power and reputation of each user.

This can be converted into the hard cash of Bitcoin or Dash.
Just like you can sell your Apple/Google shares.

It was never meant to be like this.
I suppose Dan & Ned chased the Bitcoin California Gold rush trail.
But reality is a bitch and can take some unintended turns.

So I will hang on to my, Steem Powers and see what happens.

As has been pointed out.
It would not take much for some Bitcoin Whales/Fraggles to buy in and save the platform.
It is in everybodys interest to keep it going.

It can become the neutral go to, lets talk about cryptocurrency Blogchain.
If you have something to say desperate to say to your fellow nerds about Monero. You can.
If not, well here's a picture of my dancing cat.

And, given the chance and the marketing, it will attract the normal crowd.
Because, believe it or not, it can be fun sharing a Blogchain, with a gang of young nerdy and very thin skinned cryptocurrency introverts. Along with dancing cats and Poop jokes.


Images Courtsey of Pixabay & Youtube



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