What is absolutely hilarious as long as it's not happening to you?

  •  Chasing after a paper blowing on the ground 
  •  When kids mistakingly embrace a stranger thinking it's their parent. As a child this is terrifying, as an adult it's adorable and hilarious. 
  •  People who take like a whole 10 seconds to actually fall over. Drunk or on icy surfaces. They try so hard to right themselves but always come crashing down. 
  •  watching someone almost trip then do the half jog to walk it off casually 
  •  Failing at parallel parking with a crowd of onloookers. 
  •  Waving back at someone whose wave wasn't intended for you 
  •  Bursting out in laughter while drinking something. Or alternatively, getting wet from a person bursting out laughing while drinking. 
  •  Accidentally saying "I love you" when leaving a coworker due to habit 
  •  Calling the judge “Your majesty.” 
  •  Someone getting pestered by a wasp to the extent that they run away, flapping their arms at the tiny yellow and black bringer of doom. 
  •  Throwing something then having it bounce and hit you in the head 
  •  Looking somewhere else and then walking into a pole. 
  •  Watching someone try to teach a 100% incompetent coworker a new skill. 
  •  When somebody answers a question so wrong that you start to wonder if they're even in that class or they sat down in the wrong lecture. 

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